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"Death Speak"

Next week is going to be Halloween, but as I was raised, I celebrate Samhain. I want to do all the rituals that involve it, but I'm going to do it in the Room of Requirements. I have to ask Professor Snape. I won't ask Dumbledore because I know he will deny me and claim it as "dark magic" which I find ludicrous.

Today we have double Potions and double DADA. Potions class was coming to an end. We made an anti-boil potion. Just like in the movies Seamus messed it up so he was sent to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey could fix him. I stayed after since it was the last class of the day so I could ask him. "Professor Snape?"

"Yes? How may I help you Ms. Black?"

"Is it possible if I could go to the Room of Requirements during Samhain and perform some rituals?"

"Yes, you may."

"Thank you, Professor!" I say while jumping up and down.

"You're welcome, Lyra." He says with a smile.

I started to run out of the classroom and to the Slytherin dorms. "Open"

As soon as the portrait opened, I ran into my room. "Salazar, do you have any books on rituals that I could do during Samhain?" I ask him.

He stops for a moment to think. "I actually do. If you go into the library in the Chamber of Secrets, you can find them somewhere in there. As soon as you go in look on the table there's this scroll. Put your wand onto it and think of the topic of books you're looking for. That should make looking for the ritual books easier."

"Thank you."

He nods his head and opens his portrait so that I may enter. I ran to his library as fast as I could and did what he instructed me to do. As soon as I did, 10 books came flying onto the table. I started getting everything I needed so that I could stay down here for a couple of hours.


It's now Samhain and I've decided to do two rituals. I had put a candle on my windowsill because it was needed for one of the rituals for the entirety of the night. I walk up to the Room of Requirements and imagine a large forest with a clearing in the middle that has a bonfire started. My hair is down with a branch crown on my head. I have on a black dress for the ritual also.

 I have on a black dress for the ritual also

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As I make my way inside, I look around and see how pretty everything looks

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As I make my way inside, I look around and see how pretty everything looks. I can feel Hogwart's make, and I can feel how happy she is that I like it. I soon make it to the clearing and can see that the bonfire was lit, and the offering table has everything that was needed.

The first ritual that I was going to do is the remembrance of the dead. As I say in front of the fire I started to reach into my core and draw out some magic.

"Tonight, as the barrier between the two realms grows thin, spirits walk amongst us once again. They be family friends and foes, pets and wildlife, fishes and crows. This feast I shall leave on my doorstep all night. In my window one candle shall burn bright, to help my loved ones find their way as they travel this eve, and this night until dawn. Bless my offering, both Lady and Lord of breads and fruits, greens and gourd. Dark Mother your cauldron is a well of death and rebirth, Dark Father your sword both protects and annihilates. Hear me now as the past year slowly dies, only to be reborn again. May the good come to pass, the bad be cast aside. With your divine guidance and protection, I step into the New Year. In life is death and death is life, tonight we are joined again."

As the first ritual came to an end I could hear the laughter of children, the gossiping of women, and even the yelling of men. I was overcome with a warm feeling in my heart and soul. I smile at that thought. Soon I am moving onto the second and final ritual for the night.

"At all Hallow's Tide, may God keep you Safe.

From goblin and pooka and black-hearted stranger,

From harm of the water and hurt of the fire,

From thorns of the bramble, from all other danger,

From Will O' The Wisp haunting the mire;

From stumbles and tumbles and tricksters to vex you,

May god in His mercy, this week protect you.

As my time with you ends, I am sad to announce that

I must leave these sacred lands,

But to the fret you can enjoy your time until

The sun rises upon the fields."

With that I smile and start to make my way to Slytherin. As I come down, I see everyone looking at me with a knowing look. Soon Draco starts running towards me. "Cousin! You won't believe what happened!" he exclaimed.

I simply chuckled and replied with, "What happened?"

"Somehow a Troll was let into the Dungeons! You came back just in time too because Professor Snape just left to deal with it."

I simply nodded my head. I thought that the situation would've been avoided seeing as Tom is well Tom and doesn't have a need for the Philosopher's Stone. After an hour of us talking we both start to make our way to our rooms seeing as it's about to be lights out. As I walk in, I look in front of the fireplace and see Nagini. "Hello, Nagini." I say with a smile.

"Hello, Hatchling." she says to me in return.

I check the candle and see that it's still burning so I take off the branch crown and put it on my desk. I then start to get ready for bed seeing as I'm exhausted from classes today and the rituals. The rituals were fun, and I can't wait to do the fun Yule rituals with Nana Wallie, Reggie, and Siri. With that thought I fell asleep with a smile on my face and Nagini wrapped in my covers with me.


A/N: Hi guys, so I turned off the mature setting of the story seeing as she's only 11 at the moment and there really isn't anything mature going on right now. Although there will be when she's older, so that's when I'll turn it back on. Speaking on that subject though, when do you guys' think it's the appropriate age for her to actually start that? I wasn't too sure myself because I didn't want to choose an age just for people to consider that as too young, so again just let me know your opinions :)

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