first day we met...

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I got the role of Nyla for the Avatar: The Last Airbender live action. I was 19 when they announced it.

My name is Y/n Chang, I am 19 years old, and this is how I met my husband. (I obviously know who he is.)
After a week of announcing that I had the role, I finally met the cast around my age. Ian, Gorden, Kiawentiio, Elizabeth, Momoa, Thalia and especially Dallas. Before getting the role, I was a huge fan of this show for 2 years, so being Nyla is a huge thing. I get along pretty well with six of them, and I'm excited to get to know them. The director said that next week we must be on this camp, like an avatar camp, to learn how to fight.

After the meeting, Ian invites the six of us to have lunch to get to know each other well. I arrive and realise it was just me and Dallas

"hey y/n"

"Hi, I thought we're supposed to meet at 12?"

"Idk, I guess it's going to be late."

We started talking, and I started to realise that he's from Los Angeles and his mom is from Indonesia. Right after he said those words, my jaw dropped.

"You're not going to believe this, but my mom is also from there!!"

"no way!"

"Yeahh, so tell me more about yourself."

So from all of thet , I learned that Dallas is from Los Angeles; he is also Indonesian and Chinese, which Indonesians usually call Chindo. He's birthday is on August 21, which makes him a Leo (I'm a Leo!) He is 22 years old and appeared in my favourite Marvel film, Shang Chi.

In the middle of the conversation, Ian arrived.

"I guess you guys are having fun.", Ian said it with a smirk

And we continued. After the others arrived, we ate those delicious pizzas and laughed for the whole afternoon, but I couldn't stop thinking of Dallas for some reason.

StarStrucked by You-- Dallas Liu x Reader!!Where stories live. Discover now