ex girlfriend!?

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As I got in, I can see there is a poloroid picture of him with a
girl, my heart broke. Like I have a humongous crush on him and now look that fu**ing poloroid ruined it

 Like I have a humongous crush on him and now look that fu**ing poloroid ruined it

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(imagine the guy looks like dallas)

"So mcdonalds right?", Dallas disturbing my thoughts

"hah? Ohh yep" and for some reason I have the courage to ask, "Omg the pic is so cute your gf is pretty af"

"gf?? ohh yeahh that's actually my ex"

Bro are you maniac or smth?? like who tf keeps pictures of there ex?!

"Dayummm, spill the tea!!"

"Spill the what now? Oh, no, no. It's just a mutual breakup, no drama. Well, kinda, but not that big of a deal."

"If there's a breakup, there's drama; if there's drama, there is tea," I exclaimed.

"You sure you wanna hear it?"

"you have 2 hours,"

"Okay, so my ex, Isabelle. We met at high school, and I had a crush on her. Then, I asked her out to Prom. After that, we dated; it lasted 2 years."

"Why did you guys break up?"

"She kinda cheated on me..."


"With my brother David"

"tf bro are you ok??"

"at that time I already started losing feelings for her tho"

"yeah but with your Brother??"

"I was suprise as you when i found out, turns out she was dating me to get close with David"

"then why did you have a pic of her? arent you mad or smth"

"since Isabelle and David owes me alot, David let me borrow his car"

"No wonder, how long ago was the breakup?"

"a year or two maybe, theyre getting married next month tho"

"in such a young age? are you close to them?"

"Im still close with David but not so much with Isabelle"

"that witch"

"its ancient history now"

"if i were you I'll kill them"

"David gave me his credit card for the whole summer tho, by forced"

"Haha he should"

StarStrucked by You-- Dallas Liu x Reader!!Where stories live. Discover now