training or jelousy??

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Me and the group (Ian, Kia, Gorden and Dallas) decided to have lunch together

"So how's everyones training?" Kia asked

"Good, its the basic so I got it covered", Ian said

"The coach is scary", Gorden replied

I forgot to tell you Gorden got a private coach, coach Will and boy he's not kidding, he looked at me like I did a crime

"How bout you guys", Ian asked while smirking

"very funny Ian" I replied

"Its good actually", Dalas said

"Yeah for me horrible I cant even do a stupid Ti", I said

"Ti?", Gorden asked

"Its another word for front kick" Dallas replied

"Did uhm anything happened?" Kia asked

"Nothing much, we're partners for the training", Dallas answered

"yepp, I'm Partner 2, and he's Partner 1. Our job is to check for each other's improvements," I continued

"oh i see" Kia smirked

"improvement huh?" Gorden decided to join in

"Shut up," both of us said at the same time, which made Dallas and me having eye contact

As I stared at Dallas brown eyes it's smarkled as the sun hit above him. yeah at that time I realized i dont have a crush on him, Im falling inlove with him

Goddamn 😭 .

But I am definitely not his standards.

Omg everyone is staring and at me
Im not kidding 😭😭 even the coach is laughing rn.

help 😭😭😭.

"y/n? y/n?" Dallas ensuring if I was ok

"huh? yeah?" i replied

"I thought we'd lost you for a second" Dallas said while scoffing

-After Lunch-

Me and Dallas was walking to the auditorium when Sebastian suddenly appeared

"hey y/n!", Sebastian suddenly appeared infront of me

"hah? ohh hi Sebastian" I replied

"so did you missed me?" Sebastian asked

at that moment I was suprised he asked that while Dallas gave a little laugh

"her missed you? please" , Dallas said continued laughing

"you'd never know" Sebastian replied

"Well uhh thank you for the question Sebastian now excuse us we're going to the auditorium" I answered

Dallas giving off a smirk or a smile (personally for me a cute smirk)

Dallas giving off a smirk or a smile (personally for me a cute smirk)

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