^next day^

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As I woke up I was kinda dizzy but when I was in my right mind


fucking shit

~I did sex with Dallas Liu~

oh god and Im sleeping like this?? (I was sleeping on his chest while naked)

what should I do?! go back to sleep?? run away?? wake him up?? hide??

before I could think of anything Dallas start to wake up

So I decides to preted sleeping yk see his reaction

"did I? wow fuck I didn't relize I lost it (virginity) yesterday but it was with her" he said

whow whow wait this is his first time?? I thought he did this a million times

As I started recall my memory
"suck that shit up Y/N" Dallas exclaimed

uh I didnt just sucked his d...

I continued recalling it
"if only youre dallas" I said while playing with his hair

"i wish youre y/n, but the sx is still good"

"i could never imagine the feeling of having sx, its so good" I aaid laying down beside him

"round 2?" he asked

"really? fuck yeah" I said

Ok so I did sx with him twice?!

"sx with her is the best" dallas disturbing my thoughts

"but I was drunk, she was drunk; did she actually wanted to do sx or just being drunk?" he continued

At this point I couldn't hold it anymore, I started waking up slowly

"oh youre awake" Dallas said

"huh? where am I?" I pretended I didn't know

"uh hotel?"

"oh then 5 more minutes!" I said pretended to sleep

"y/n are you wearing clothes?" he asked while smirking

"what do you mean ofc I am" As i look down

"shit did we.. " i pretebded to be suprise and wuthout hesitation Dallas said


"uh uhm"

"are you ok with it?" he asked

"ARE you ok with it?" I turned the question


"oh really?"


"I..." before I could continued


"room service" I heard someone said but why does it sounds familiar?

"shit uhm" I said

"do you want to hide or answer?" Dallas asked

"this is your room so hide"

"ok in the closet" Dallas said while picking up his tshirt from his suitcase

"okok" I said running to the closet while putting Dallas shirt

"coming" dallas replied to the room service guy

"SUPRISE!!" Ian and Kia suprise me and Dallas

"huh? what? why? how?" Dallas said speechless

"your brother invites us for his last day to spend time with you and Y/n" Kia replied

"if im not mistaken I heard a girl voice in the room" Ian said while smirking

"and we knocked on y/n's door; no answer" Kia joined in

"are you sure its the right room?" Dallas trying to change the topic

"413 right?" Ian said

"idk, let's check it again" Dallas said giving me a chance to get the fuck our of this dusty closet

But before they leave

Fuck, I sneezed

Making Ian and Kia look at Dallas with a sus look

"Well- uh, I- I can explain" Dallas said trying to find an excuse

"you better" Kia said

"I wonder who's in the closet" Ian asked even tho he knows is me

Kia and Ian approached to the closet

"cmon you went all this way to check my closet?" Dallas said distracting them

"well yeah, we came here to check on you two" Kia said

"we know you guys got drunk" Ian said

"David!" Dallas whispered

"yep, ofc we need to come to the scene, right Kia?"

"yep, wait is that a women dress?" Kia said

"no what, its just uh- my towel" Dallas said

"ahh I see 'towel'; still I wonder who's in this closet" Ian said

"let's see" Kia said smirking

"wait gu-" before Dallas continued

They opened the closet

"uhm hey guys" I said that becUse udk what else to say

"SEE THERE IS A GIRL HERE!" Ian said with a happy face

"ITS MORE THAN A GIRL IS Y/N!" Kia said with a exciting tone

"I can expla-" Me and Dallas said at the same time

Making us having eye contact


"DALLAS YOUR DREAM COME TRUE AM I RIGHT??" Ian said making me suprise

"Huh?" I said



He likes me like, like like me
What should I say??
Dallas face is as red as a tomato


what will happen between us if I say I like him too ?

StarStrucked by You-- Dallas Liu x Reader!!Where stories live. Discover now