Day 1 - Shippy time: 8/9

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Just like everyone else, 10013 has been wandering around the ship for some time. However, while the others were exploring, it was gathering courage to act upon the rather confusing invitation it got from the zebra guard.

*Puzzled face.* *Disappointed face.* *Awkward face.*

"Smiley, is something wrong?" asks 10013, immediately forgetting its own worries.

*Relieved face.*

"Hang on, I'll be right there."

10013 concentrates on Smiley's hive link. It's not far, nothing on the ship should be unreachable, but pointing out the exact location of someone else is a bit difficult. Normally, drones just ping a map location but that's a bit beyond Smiley's abilities.

The hive link leads 10013 down... and down... and down until the drone stops in front of a heavy metal door which is, quite certainly, locked. 10013 bangs on it.

"Are you there, Smiley?"

*Bang bang bang!*

"Gotcha!" 10013 nods, hearing the noise from the other side, "I could dig you out but you heard 387. Wait there, I'll find someone who has the key, okay?"

*Happy face.*

10013 climbs the stairs one floor up to the staff deck. It can sense 36658 and 20100 nearby but they won't be of any help.

I need... I need... AH-HAH!

It rushes towards a somewhat familiar dark blue uniform with yellow SECURITY written on the side.

"Mister security pony! Mister security pony!" it calls out. The pegasus turns around and its expression hardens when he sees the changeling.

"Yes?" he asks.

"My buddy is stuck behind a door downstairs! Do you have a key or do you know who has it?"

"You mean on the maintenance deck?" the pegasus frowns, "How did they get there?"

"Well, it didn't dig through the door since we're not allowed to, so it must have been open."

"Great, more security incident paperwork. No matter how many training seminars some ponies get..." the pegasus facehoofs, "Alright, come on."

10013 leads the way back down and taps at the door again. Smiley taps back.

"Identify yourself!" orders the security guard.

"Umm, Smiley can't talk, sir," explains 10013.

The pegasus reaches under his security uniform with one foreleg. When his foreleg comes out again, it's wearing a heavy, studded horseshoe. With his wing, he pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door before carefully opening it and stepping back, only to see a beaming changeling face.

"Heya, Smiley!" 10013 waves.

*Happy face!*

Smiley walks out, looks at the pegasus ready to punch, and nuzzles his raised leg before walking over to 10013 and simply waiting for the situation to unfold. The pegasus locks the door, takes off the heavy combat horseshoe, and leads the two up to the staff deck again.

"I need some information for the incident report," he stops and faces the drones before pulling out a notepad from his saddlebag.

"Sure," 10013 nods.

"First, your names."

"I'm 10013 and that's Smiley."

The pegasus looks at the beaming Silent.

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