Day 2 - Points: 7/9

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The door of the staff coordinator's office opens, letting out a fuming blue unicorn who turns her head back in the door frame and yells:

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will NEVER pay you a single bit and you should be happy she won't sue you on the spot for a defective lock!"

"I'm sure our legal department will get a kick out of any lawyer you'll afford when you can't even pay for a broken lock," replies a clearly unimpressed voice from the office.

"AAAARGH!" Trixie slams the door so hard it rattles.

"It can still be two locks!" calls out the now muted voice.

"And you can suck Trixie's two cocks!" the blue unicorn doesn't wait for an answer this time and stomps off back towards her cabin on the other end of the ship.

Thankfully, the ventilation managed to get rid of the black smoke from her exploded props while she was being questioned by the security, so now there's only one black thing left, aside from the residue on everything, near her cabin.

"Great... you," Trixie's less than enthusiastic tone greets Smiley sitting outside her cabin just by the open door, "First you break the door for which I get charged and now you're... what? Waiting to drag me into a dark corner and drain me dry there?"

"PLEASE, DO THAT!" comes from the neighboring cabin along with a banging on the wall.


A mare peeks out from the next door, blushing from both embarrassment and anger.

"Changeling, she snores like a tractor and keeps monologuing nonsense in her sleep!" she says, "If you get her out of here I swear I'll send one of my hottest friends your way, no questions asked."

Smiley tilts its head. The mare doesn't seem angry at it, so everything is kinda okay. On the other hole, the proximity of the two mares to each other feels like the real problem which requires solving, preferably immediately.

"Trixie's monologues are the best part of her act!"

"Says a lot about the overall quality, doesn't it?" sneers the mare, "I've seen better spoken content in clop, and the mares in it gurgle rather than talk!"

"Nopony badmouths Trixie's act!" Trixie bends her legs, clearly ready to pounce.

"Hey, at least we agree on something. Nothing anypony can say can be worse than your show's content. I'd tell you to stick to whorseing but I can't believe there's anypony who would buck you even for free, you skinny stallion!"

"Okay, I've had just enough!" the unicorn snarls back, losing her third-person speech out of sheer rage, "If I'm going back to jail for not paying for this stupid door then I'm taking your teeth with me for the street cred!"

As Trixie tries to take a step forward, she realizes her legs aren't touching the ground anymore as, during her outburst, Smiley snuck under her belly and now simply rose itself up.

"Hey!" Trixie tries to keep the other mare in sight while Smiley carries her into her cabin by bending her neck as the door frame passes her by, "We're not finished!"

"Pretty sure we are!" the other mare calls out, "Or do I have to call the security on you?"

"...dumb bitch..." grumbles Trixie as Smiley lowers her on all fours in the middle of the blackened cabin and sits down, waiting for events to unfold. Trixie shoots the slightly smiling Silent an exhausted glare before her eyes land on the open door with the section containing the lock bent out of shape. One sigh later, she walks past Smiley and begins examining the damage, "Plywood and the cheapest lock on the market, and those assholes want me- Trixie to pay five times the price. Trixie could pick this in her sleep," she mutters, glancing back at Smiley watching her with a tilted head, "Don't look at Trixie like that, everypony does what they need to survive."

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