Day 8 - Smiley's hole: 4/7

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"Do do, do do, do do, do do, do do, do do, do doooo, dododododo," 20100 has been quietly humming a strange tune ever since the now five 'drones' returned to the vaguely defined area of the Ataraki resort under the cover of trees. It's roughly around seven o'clock, the sun is rising, bathing the island in promises of yet another beautiful day, and 10101 is now painted black with the only occasional white glimmer of its metallic chassis around joints, narrow gaps between the outer plates, and some unpainted circles on its legs to match changeling leg holes. All in all, 20100 did a fantastic job with the hose sprayer that 10101 explained to it back in the facility, and 10101 could definitely pass as a changeling from a distance.

Tightly surrounding 10101 whenever they have no choice but to cross paths with someone, the drones eventually reach the perceived safety of their suite and finally breathe a sigh of relief as the door closes behind them. That's short-lived, however, as they're immediately noticed by 99380 and 99111 sitting at the central table of the living room around some strange mechanical contraption. While 99111 absent-mindedly waves at them while not looking up from the mechanical thing, 99380 hops off of its chair and trots over to greet them.

"Hi, guys!" 99380 quickly starts examining 10101 before backing off and tilting its head, puzzled, "Uhh... do some ponies pretend they're changelings too? I thought only we did that to them."

"Go wake 99526 up and I'll think about how to explain this, okay?" says 10013 and 99380 walks off into the heretics' room, "Guys, we might need a huddle for this. Let's group up around the table since 99111 is already there. Speaking of which, what are you doing?" it hops onto the chair previously vacated by 99380.

"The radio suddenly stopped talking despite all the glowy bits still glowing and spinny bits spinning," mumbles 99111, "I thought that my experience with Miss Trixie would help me fix it and... I managed to take the outside part off and I can put it back on but this," it sighs and leans back into the chair, "I've been examining it for over an hour and I haven't got the faintest idea what I'm looking at."

"A primitive radio wave to sound translator," comments 10101, leaning to look closer without its field of view obscured by drone heads, "Manually welded circuitry. Energy inefficient materials. That circuit isn't closed, an impact must have dislodged a wire... there," it pulls the circuit boards with the heavy insides of the radio towards itself, a panel on its chest opens, and a thin, long limb extends out of the slot, its tip unscrews the screw holding a wire under its head and, one burst of heat and burning smell later, the radio starts playing a tune again, "All that's left is to fit the chassis back on. I can do it if you move-"

99111 grabs 10101's chest with both forelegs.

"It's real... MECHANIBUGS IS REAL!" it yells, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"What's going on?" asks 99380, re-entering the room with woozy 99526 in tow, "You got the radio working again?" it bolts towards the table, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"How didya do it how didya do it how didya do it how didya do it how didya do it?" 99111 keeps shaking 10101 uncontrollably.

"Everyone, PLEASE STOP!"

They all look at 10013 and go quiet and still. Even 10101 after it realizes that something hive link related must have happened.

"Whoah, that was something..." says 20100.

"Sorry, I got carried away," 99380 apologizes, its head sinking between its shoulders.

"Me too, sorry," meekly states 99111.

36658 gives 10013 an undecipherable smile.

Smiley is sitting down, staring in surprise at its tablet with [9999] now written on it.

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