chapter 1

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Henry POV

It was a cloudy Friday evening, and dinner time at Hillerska. Sixteen-year-old Henry, his red hair falling messily over his forehead, made his way down the hallway toward his best friend's room. Walter had been his closest friend for as long as he could remember, the two of them inseparable throughout the years. They'd practically grown up together, and wherever one went, the other followed.

Henry knocked lightly on the door. 
"Hey, are you coming? It's dinner time," he called out. 

A moment later, the door opened, revealing Walter, his brown eyes slightly tired but warm. 
"Yeah, give me a second. I need to grab a hoodie—it's freezing," Walter said.

Henry stepped inside and flopped down on Walter's bed, pulling out his phone to scroll mindlessly through social media while Walter rummaged through his closet. He watched in amusement as Walter pulled a hoodie over his head and ran his fingers through his hair in the mirror.

"Hurry up or we'll be late," Henry teased, tossing a pillow at him. 
Walter laughed, dodging the pillow with ease. "Just give me a second! Patience isn't one of your virtues, is it?"

That night, the school was hosting a horror movie night. It had taken some convincing for Henry to get Walter to agree to go—Walter wasn't exactly fond of horror movies—but in the end, Henry had worn him down. They found seats in the back of the room, right behind Wilhelm and Simon, as the movie "In the Tall Grass" began to play.

Henry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction with Walter beside him. There was something about tonight that made Henry need his friend's company more than usual. After all, what was a movie night without Walter? Every few minutes, he stole glances at Walter, curious to see how he was reacting to the film's eerie moments. Walter was leaning against the wall, his eyes glued to the screen, his expression serious and focused. Henry smiled to himself, warmth filling his chest. He often found himself grateful for Walter—more than he could put into words.

But, predictably, the moment was interrupted by the group of third-year students causing a commotion at the front. Henry rolled his eyes in frustration. He'd never had much patience for the younger kids, especially Vincent, who had spent years tormenting him with stupid pranks and snide remarks.

Walter POV

To his own surprise, Walter was actually enjoying the movie. He wasn't sure how Henry had managed to convince him to come, but then again, Henry always had that ability. Walter could never say no to him. Henry had a special place in his life—far more than just a best friend. He was... everything.

It wasn't surprising, then, that Henry had talked him into the movie night. Truth be told, Walter would have done anything for Henry, no matter how reluctant he might have seemed at first.

Midway through the movie, Wilhelm, who was sitting in front of them, suddenly stood up and left the room. Barely two minutes later, Simon followed. Walter raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. It didn't really matter. His thoughts were elsewhere, anyway.

He turned his head slightly to check on Henry, only to catch him staring back. For a brief moment, their eyes met. Walter felt a familiar flutter in his chest, the kind he'd learned to suppress over the years. Noticing the gap between them on the bench, Walter smiled and patted the empty spot beside him, motioning for Henry to come closer.

Henry didn't hesitate, sliding over until their shoulders were nearly touching.

"Where did Wilhelm and Simon go?" Walter whispered. 
"No idea," Henry replied with a smirk. "Do you want to leave too?" 
Walter chuckled softly. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks for bringing me."

Henry leaned back against the wall, his smile warm and easy. That smile always did something to Walter. It made his chest feel tight, but in a way that was oddly comforting. Being around Henry had that effect on him. Seeing him happy filled Walter with an indescribable joy.

For as long as he could remember, Walter had felt something deeper for Henry. Ever since he realized he liked boys at 14, his feelings for Henry had grown more complicated. He spent countless nights wondering if what he felt was more than friendship. The way his heart quickened when Henry smiled, the way his pulse raced when their hands accidentally brushed—it wasn't just friendship. He knew that much.

But he'd kept it all hidden. For nearly two years now, Walter had been harboring a quiet, unspoken crush on Henry. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to tell him the truth. How could he? Henry likely saw him as nothing more than his best friend.

Walter was yanked from his thoughts by a strange sensation—like a small electric current running through him. It took a moment for him to realize that Henry's knee had pressed lightly against his own, their legs brushing together in the dim light of the room.

Did that mean anything? Walter's heart sped up, but he quickly dismissed the thought. It was a casual touch, the kind of thing that happened between friends all the time. He couldn't afford to read into it. He'd accepted his sexuality a long time ago, but he still hadn't told anyone—not even Henry. And Henry, as far as Walter knew, didn't feel the same way.

He glanced at Henry again, catching himself staring once more. He did that too often, but Henry never seemed to notice - or at least, he never said anything about it. Walter's eyes lingered on him, tracing the familiar contours of his face, the small smile playing on his lips as he watched the movie.

Walter was hopelessly, completely in love with him.

Authors Note

I just wanna say sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language so please be respectful about that haha

I also wanna say something about the spelling of "Walter". In season 1 and 2 of young royals it's spelled with a W but somehow they changed it into "Valter" with V in the last season. I personally prefer
"Valter" because it looks more fancy haha but I'm using "Walter" here because most people do and their ship name Walty is also spelled with a W

Btw this story is inspired of some headcanons I saw on Tiktok. I also did some research about Henry's and Walter's backstory to make this story more realistic but unfortunately I couldn't find much. If you have any ideas for the story please let me know in the comments!

And don't forget to vote this story if you liked it! <3

words: 1137

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