chapter 9

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Henry POV

Henry woke up the next morning by the sun shining in his face.
Walter was laying next to him, his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully.
They spent the rest of last night kissing and cuddling until they fell asleep in Walter's bed.

The sunlight was already so bright that they must have overslept breakfast. Henry put an arm around Walter to reach for Walter's phone since he left his own one in his room yesterday's night. The time said 12:37pm so it was already close to lunchtime. Henry put the phone back on the desk but didn't put his arm away from Walter. Instead he pulled Walter's body closer to his and rested his head on Walter's chest.
He closed his eyes again and enjoyed the moment with him.

After a while he felt Walter slowly moving around a little bit. He was waking up.
Henry turned around to look at him and smiled by the perfect view of Walter laying there with golden sunlight on his face, eyes closed and messy hair. He looked so cute and peaceful.

Henry leaned down that their faces were very close to each other and gave Walter a kiss on his forehead.
Walter smiled and he gave him even more kisses on his forehead and also on both of his cheeks until he slowly blinked his eyes open.

"Good morning." Henry said with a soft voice and smiled.
Walter smiled back. "Good morning, Henry."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Henry could get lost in Walter's eyes forever. He looked so good with his messy brown hair that fell into his face.

"You look so beautiful..." Henry whispered and placed a hand on Walter's left cheek.

Walter smiled and pulled Henry in for a kiss.
Their lips connected and Henry closed his eyes, enjoying the moment. He gently stroked Walter's cheeks and pulled him closer while Walter brushed his fingers through Henry's hair.
Henry was so happy that everything was normal between them again. Even if this kissing-thing was something new. Henry could definitely get used to this.

Walter broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Henry's.
"I love you." He said and kissed Henry again, but this time the kiss was shorter.
"I love you too."

Henry hugged Walter tightly, resting his head on Walter's shoulder. He couldn't be happier.

Walter POV

They stayed cuddling in Walter's bed for about ten more minutes, then Henry slowly let go of him.
He sat up that he was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey uhmm..." Henry spoke up "I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, what is it?" Walter asked, not knowing what was coming next.
He really had no clue what Henry was about to say but he seemed to be a little bit nervous.

"You know I-...we...we spend a lot of time together." Henry said.
"Well, yes we do. What are you up to?" Walter replied.
"I was wondering...I mean we always just hang out at school..." Henry continued "so...I was wondering know...if you want to watch a movie and maybe...also go somewhere else...with me."

Walter's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" He said, grinning and rested his chin on Henry's shoulder who avoided looking at him.
"Well...kinda?" Henry said, now grinning nervously too.
"Then, why don't you say it like that?" Walter teased him.
"Like what?" Henry said, still grinning.
"Ask me if I want to go on a date with you. Use these words."
"Fineee." Henry rolled his eyes but was still smiling. "Walter, do you want to go on a date with me?"
"Yes of course, I'd love to." Walter replied and gave Henry a peck on his lips.

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