chapter 6

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Walter POV

Walter woke up to the gentle warmth of sunlight filtering through the window, casting a golden hue across Henry's room. He blinked a few times, taking in the peaceful scene. It was still early, and the world outside was quiet. But here, nestled in the comforting embrace of his best friend, everything felt perfect.

He slowly turned his head to look at Henry, who was still sleeping soundly. The morning light highlighted the soft contours of his face, making him appear almost ethereal. His ginger hair was tousled, framing his features in a way that made Walter's heart flutter. Just yesterday, Henry had confessed his love, a moment that still felt surreal to Walter. The memory made him smile, and he couldn't resist leaning down to place a soft kiss on Henry's forehead.

Henry stirred, his eyelids fluttering open as a sleepy smile spread across his face. "Good morning..." he murmured, his voice raspy with sleep.

"Good morning," Walter replied, his voice warm with affection. "You look so beautiful."

"You're the one who looks beautiful here," Henry countered, his grin widening as he returned Walter's gaze.

They both laughed, the sound light and filled with a sense of ease. But soon their laughter faded into silence as they looked into each other's eyes, the air thick with unspoken words. Walter felt a surge of longing—he wanted nothing more than to kiss Henry again. The memory of their kiss from the night before sent his heart racing, and he couldn't resist asking, "Can I kiss you?"

Henry's grin widened, and he leaned in, their lips meeting once more. This kiss felt even better than the first, filled with a sweetness that made Walter's heart soar. Henry's lips were soft, tasting faintly of the mint toothpaste they had both used that morning. It reminded Walter of the warmth of the morning sun, enveloping him in a sense of safety and joy.

Henry wrapped his arms around Walter, pulling him closer as Walter ran his fingers through Henry's messy hair. Their kiss was tender and filled with the kind of love that transcended friendship. It felt right—so unbelievably right.

Henry POV

This morning was perfect, and Henry couldn't remember a time when he felt happier. Everything seemed to fall into place. Yet, reality began to creep in, reminding him that breakfast awaited, and they needed to get ready for school.

"Come on, we should probably get some breakfast," Henry said reluctantly, pulling away from their embrace.

Walter nodded, and they walked hand in hand toward the dining room, a soft warmth blooming in Henry's chest at their newfound closeness. They paused at the doorway, a moment of hesitation settling between them.

"I think we shouldn't tell anyone about us," Walter said, his expression serious. "I don't want people talking about us the way they do about Simon and Wilhelm. And I definitely don't want the bullying to get worse. I know it's hard for you, even if you don't talk about it much. I can see that you're suffering."

Henry nodded, understanding flooding through him. "Yes, it's probably best to keep this a secret for now."

They shared a smile, a silent agreement passing between them, and Henry felt a surge of affection for Walter. It was comforting to know that they were in this together.

Just then, voices echoed from the hallway. Alexander, Wilhelm, and Simon were approaching, chatting animatedly about the antics of the third graders.

"Good morning, guys!" Wilhelm called out as they arrived.

"Good morning!" Walter and Henry replied in unison, their voices brightening the atmosphere.

As more Hillerska students joined them, they all made their way into the dining room. No matter how early it was, there were always a few third graders causing mischief, but Henry, Walter, and their friends did their best to ignore them, focusing on their breakfast instead.

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