chapter 3

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Henry POV

Yesterday was St. Lucia, and something unbelievable happened. A video of Wilhelm and Simon making out had been leaked, and now it was all over the internet. Henry couldn't believe he had been right about them all along. Somehow, he had sensed it from the start, even though he had never had anything to do with LGBTQ+ people before. In fact, before Wilhelm and Simon, Henry didn't even know anyone who was openly part of the community. He had always assumed they were straight, and realizing they weren't made him think more deeply about it.

It struck him that so many people he assumed were straight could secretly be gay, bi, or something else entirely.

Everyone was talking about the video that morning. Normally, it would've been the perfect gossip fodder for Henry and Walter, but this felt different. It was personal, and Henry didn't want to disrespect Wilhelm, who was going through a tough time. He could hear some people laughing, calling it disgusting. That made Henry furious. What was so wrong with being gay? Sure, it wasn't something people were used to, but that didn't make it weird or wrong.

To Henry, love was love. Boys were attractive, so how could anyone say it was weird for two guys to love each other? It was just... normal. And besides, he loved Walter too—though, of course, that was just as a friend. Right?

Sitting at the table with Walter and the other boys, they all talked about the video, throwing around theories and speculation. Henry and Walter didn't join in with the hurtful remarks. They'd never stoop that low.

Across the room, the third-years were talking, and Henry couldn't make out much, but he could imagine Vincent was probably saying something homophobic. Then, one of the boys in his group made a comment that sounded too much like a slur.

"What's your problem with them? There's nothing wrong with being gay!" Henry suddenly shouted, silencing the whole table. Walter looked at him, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

And then, as if on cue, Vincent approached, his usual sneer in place. "Got something you wanna tell us, Henry?"

"What do you mean?" Henry asked, confused.

"Are you gay too? Want to join Wilhelm and Simon?" Vincent taunted, laughing cruelly.

"What? No, I'm not!" Henry snapped, standing up abruptly and storming out.

Walter called after him, "Henry, wait!" but Henry kept walking, anger and frustration boiling inside him. Why couldn't Vincent just shut up?

Walter POV

Walter was increasingly concerned about Henry. Lately, Henry had been acting strangely. It began when he started discussing topics like homosexuality and began to walk away from situations he typically would have confronted—behavior that was entirely uncharacteristic of him.

Vincent's treatment of Henry infuriated Walter. He often wished he could confront Vincent directly, but he knew that resorting to violence would not resolve anything.

Afterward, Walter retreated to his room and lay on his bed, uncertain about how to help Henry. He took a moment to reflect on everything that had transpired. His gaze fell upon the jacket that Henry had lent him for their lake trip, resting in the corner of his room. Perhaps returning the jacket could serve as a starting point for a conversation. Walter genuinely wanted to support Henry, but he also felt the need to clarify certain things. What had sparked Henry's sudden interest in the LGBTQ+ community? Could there be more than friendship developing between them?

With newfound resolve, Walter picked up the jacket and walked to Henry's room, knocking softly on the door.

"Henry, it's me!" he called gently, and Henry opened the door.

"Come in. What are you doing here?" Henry asked.

"I just wanted to check on you," Walter replied. "I still have your jacket, and I wanted to give it back."

"Oh, thanks," Henry said, accepting the jacket.

They both sat down on Henry's bed, leaning against the wall. Walter noticed that something was troubling Henry; he appeared both upset and somewhat sad.

"Are you okay?" Walter asked, but Henry didn't respond. Instead, he leaned his head against Walter's shoulder, a gesture that surprised Walter. While he knew Henry appreciated physical touch, this was a new level of intimacy.

It seemed Henry wasn't ready to talk; he simply needed support. Walter instinctively wrapped his arm around him. They remained in silence for a few minutes, simply savoring the moment together.

Then, Walter noticed Henry's hand reaching for his. Was this really happening? Their fingers touched, and Henry grasped Walter's hand.

Walter's heart raced, and he hoped Henry didn't notice. Henry's hand was warm and soft. The touch sent electric tingles through Walter's body, and being close to Henry felt exquisite—especially since he loved Henry's scent.

"Thank you..." Henry whispered after a while, gently stroking Walter's hand with his thumb.

Henry POV

Henry felt immensely grateful to have Walter in his life. He had a steadfast shoulder to lean on, even though Henry struggled to open up to anyone. Walter understood this and continued to check on him, never pushing for more than Henry was willing to share. Just having Walter there made Henry feel as if all his problems dissipated.

In this moment, as he rested in Walter's embrace, he felt a sense of healing. Vincent's words had always stung, yet Henry had never voiced his hurt to anyone, not even to Walter. Being in Walter's arms helped to overshadow his negative thoughts and anger. Somehow, Walter always managed to bring a smile to Henry's face, even during his darkest moments. Walter's warmth enveloped him, making Henry feel incredibly safe.

Was it normal to feel this way around a best friend? Best friend... was that even the right term for their relationship? They were undeniably closer than best friends, but what could that closeness be called?

Henry found himself deeply drawn to Walter—not just for his kind nature and unwavering support, their perfectly aligned energy, and mutual trust. He was also captivated by Walter's dark hair, his striking eyes, his warm hands, and his intoxicating scent. Walter smelled wonderfully inviting.

Perhaps the right term for Henry's feelings was not merely liking him; perhaps it was... love.

Henry had never questioned his sexuality until the video of Wilhelm and Simon was leaked. Until then, he had never personally known anyone who identified as gay, which had led him to believe he was straight since the people he found attractive were predominantly girls. However, witnessing the public affection between Wilhelm and Simon brought the topic closer to him, making it feel more real.

In that moment of realization, Henry understood that his feelings for Walter extended beyond mere friendship; they were indicative of a crush. He loved Walter, and being in Walter's arms and holding his hand solidified that truth. He could no longer deny it.

Henry was deeply in love with Walter...

Author's Note

sorry that it took longer this time to get the chapter done but i was very busy.
and this chapter is longer than the other ones so i hope that's a good excuse haha:)

i'm doing my best to get the next chapter done tomorrow or on tuesday but i can't promise you:(

well, i hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote it, let me know what you think about it and if you have any ideas for the story feel free to tell me them as always!

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tiktok: lelepenje

words: 1256

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