chapter 4

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Walter POV

Walter and Henry walked side by side to class, an everyday ritual that had become a source of comfort for both of them. Today, however, held a unique anticipation; it marked the first school day since the leaked video of Wilhelm and Simon had caused a stir throughout their community. This would be their first opportunity to observe how Wilhelm and Simon would navigate the school environment together after the scandal. Walter found himself pondering the dynamics of their interactions and the reactions of their classmates.

"Do you mind if I sit with Wille today?" Henry asked, his voice laced with concern. "I'm sure you can sit with Alexander, but I want to support Wille."

"Of course, that's fine," Walter replied, though a hint of uncertainty lingered in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that Henry's desire to sit with Wilhelm stemmed not just from a wish to support his friend but perhaps also from discomfort about the recent events between the two of them. This closeness between Henry and Wilhelm was uncharacteristic; they had never been this open with each other before.

As they entered the classroom, a palpable tension hung in the air. Whispers erupted around them, all focused on the absence of Wilhelm and Simon, who had yet to arrive. Walter settled into a desk in the middle of the room, next to Alexander, while Henry took the seat beside him, anxiously waiting for Wilhelm.

When Wilhelm finally walked in, the room fell silent, the stares from their classmates palpable. Walter felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He observed the whispers ripple through the crowd as they awaited Simon's arrival. It was a cruel reminder of how quickly gossip could spread and how vulnerable one could feel under the scrutiny of peers.

Walter felt sympathy for Wilhelm and Simon, yet a part of him was relieved that he wasn't the focus of everyone's attention. The thought of how people would react if they knew he was gay sent a chill down his spine. He couldn't fathom the discomfort of being in Wilhelm's shoes, exposed to judgment and speculation.

Throughout the school day, the atmosphere remained tense, and Walter and Henry exchanged few words. They had planned to meet in the library after school to study together, a welcome distraction from the social pressures that loomed over them.

When they finally made it to the library, the familiar scent of old books enveloped them. Henry stared blankly at his notebook, frustration etched across his face. "I don't understand anything! Why do we even have to do this?" he exclaimed, gesturing wildly at the equations in front of him.

"Algebra?" Walter asked, raising an eyebrow. Henry nodded vigorously. "Do you want me to help you? I think I can manage it," he offered, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Yes, please!" Henry replied, relief washing over him.

Walter guided Henry through the mathematical concepts, and as they worked through the problems together, it became clear that Henry was finally starting to grasp the material. "Damn, how are you so smart?" Henry exclaimed, grinning widely.

"You're much better at geography!" Walter countered playfully, enjoying their banter.

As they packed up their things to head back to their rooms, Henry hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "I wanted to ask you something..."

"Sure, what is it?" Walter encouraged.

"Would you want to come over later to watch a movie?" Henry asked, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice.

"Why are you even asking? Of course, I want to!" Walter responded enthusiastically. "How about 7 p.m. in your room?"

"Perfect! See you then!" Henry said, a bright smile illuminating his face as he walked away.

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