I didn't keep you safe

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As you prepared to leave for work, Woods kindly offered to accompany you to the dealership to assist in your search for a new car. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of hectic schedules and long shifts, making it challenging to find time to car shop. With Woods by your side, you felt a sense of relief knowing you had someone knowledgeable to guide you through the process. Arriving at the dealership, you were greeted by rows of gleaming vehicles, each vying for your attention. Amidst the sea of cars, your eyes were immediately drawn to a striking dark blue BMW. Its sleek lines and polished exterior exuded elegance and sophistication, instantly capturing your heart. Woods nodded in approval as you approached the car, his experienced eye confirming your initial impression. After a test drive that left you exhilarated and eager to hit the road, you made the decision to purchase the BMW. Woods offered a congratulatory handshake, his genuine smile reflecting your own excitement. With the paperwork finalized and the keys in hand, you bid farewell to Woods, grateful for his invaluable assistance. As you settled into the driver's seat of your new car, a sense of freedom washed over you. The familiar scent of leather upholstery mingled with the faint aroma of new car smell, creating an intoxicating blend that filled the interior. With a sense of anticipation, you turned the key in the ignition and felt the powerful engine roar to life. Navigating through the bustling streets on your way to work, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in your new acquisition. The BMW glided effortlessly along the road, its smooth handling and responsive controls enhancing the driving experience. With each passing mile, you grew more accustomed to the car's capabilities, reveling in the sense of empowerment it provided. Arriving at the coffee shop where you worked, you parked your BMW in the familiar spot reserved for employees. Stepping out of the car, you couldn't help but admire its sleek silhouette, a testament to your newfound independence. As you unlocked the doors and entered the shop, you felt a surge of excitement. Donning your apron and preparing for the day ahead, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over you. It had been a while since you last worked at the coffee shop, yet everything seemed to fall seamlessly back into place. The familiar sights and sounds of the bustling café enveloped you, serving as a comforting reminder of the camaraderie and sense of community that defined your workplace. As the morning rush began, you found yourself fully immersed in the rhythm of the café, expertly crafting lattes and cappuccinos with precision and skill. Despite the frenetic pace, you felt a sense of calm wash over you, fueled by the knowledge that you were exactly where you were meant to be. Throughout the day, customers came and went, each interaction leaving its own indelible mark on your memory. Whether it was a regular patron sharing a heartfelt anecdote or a first-time visitor marveling at the artistry of your latte designs, you found joy in connecting with others through the simple pleasure of a well-brewed cup of coffee. As the afternoon sun began to wane and the last of the customers trickled out of the café, you took a moment to reflect on the events of the day. From purchasing your new car to reconnecting with your passion for coffee, it had been a day filled with unexpected twists and turns.
You looked up as you heard the door open, only to see Alex, your abusive ex-boyfriend. "Hello, y/n," he said. "Alex, what are you doing here?" you asked. "Can't I just get a coffee?" he replied. "Not here," you insisted. "Oh, come on, darling," he said, but you quickly corrected him, "Don't call me that." As you reached for your phone, he knocked it out of your hand. "Don't fucking call anyone," he warned, holding a gun. Trembling, you raised your hands as he ordered you to remove your apron. He locked the door and flipped the closed sign. "Now, honey, you're going to listen to me, got it?" You nodded, tears welling up, terrified for your life. He touched your chin and kissed you, saying, "We're going to have fun." Then, he kissed you again.
After he raped you in the coffee shop bathroom, you sat there, tears streaming down your face, wearing only your bra and underwear, your hair disheveled. He left the cafe but locked you in the bathroom. As you coughed and vomited into the toilet, you glanced around and spotted your phone under the door, just out of reach. "Dang it!" you exclaimed, kicking the door in frustration. Several hours later, you were meant to finish your shift two hours ago. Woods, Emily, and even Matt had tried to call you.

Woods and Emily persistently called and texted you in the absence of a response. Woods, grabbing his keys, exclaimed, "Emily, let's go! Matt's meeting us at the cafe." Emily swiftly joined Woods as they exited his apartment and hopped into the car. Arriving at the coffee shop, they spotted Matt waiting by the door. As they parked, Matt ended the call, stating, "The police are on their way. Emily, do you have the keys?" Emily confirmed, "Yes, I do," and promptly unlocked the door. As they rushed into the cafe, Woods headed straight for the counter and noticed Emily's phone. "Hey, over here!" he called out. Matt and Emily hurried over, but Matt cautioned, "Don't touch it; that'll be evidence." Just as Woods was about to knock on the bathroom door, Emily's voice halted him. "Guys, there's a gun," she whispered, her eyes welling with tears. Matt's grip tightened as they processed the gravity of the situation. Woods knocked on the bathroom door, calling out, "Hey, anyone in there?" "W-Woods?" came your voice in response. "Y/n!" Matt yelled, prompting Woods to step back and forcefully kick the door open since the lock was malfunctioning. Upon seeing you, Woods exclaimed, "Y/n!" and you replied, "Woods." Emily, having shorts under her pants, quickly offered them to you, while Matt handed over his jacket. You were escorted to the ambulance, with Woods accompanying you closely, while Matt and Emily followed behind. "I'm sorry I didn't save you; I was supposed to," Woods expressed with remorse. "It's okay, Woods. I was at work," you reassured him, gripping his hand tightly as you were transported to the hospital. Once there, you were taken into a testing room, leaving Emily, Woods, and Matt in the waiting area. Emily was in tears, Matt was consoling her, and Woods paced anxiously, the tension palpable in the air.

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