How Long Were You There?

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Shadow stood alone in the ballroom of Greenhaven. She imagined all the past dances that had taken place in this room where she now stood alone. She knew how to dance, and all she needed was music. If only there was a way to bring it to her without a band. She could at least get the lyrics, and that sweet melody of her voice could create a little music. 

She imagined the instruments. It was hard at first, but when she opened her mouth and spoke the words, it was like they were really there singing to herself. She crossed the room, her cloak flying out behind her. She didn't dance like a normal person, and would instead focus more on her arms twisting them and spinning in time with her song. Her fingers and hands moved as if she had magic between her fingers. and she was waving it into something bigger.

"See, this is why I'm lucky," came a voice from the doorway. She snapped her mouth shut and looked across to see a figure leaning against the doorframe. The room was dark except for the moonlight filtering through the large windows, casting long square patches of light across the floor at evenly spaced intervals. The way the moon illuminated the building was perfect on this particular night, making them all very, very dim, but one, and Shadow happened to be standing in that one. There were no shadows from this figure. Even if she was one of them, she had been seen. The figure pushed off the doorframe and walked towards her. When he stepped into the light, Shadow was relieved to see it was Worthy. 

"I swear to Tellun Shadow, stop being so good at everything."

"I'm not good at everything," she said.

"Yes, you are!"

"I'm not," she looked down. She knew no one was there, and even if they had been, she and Worthy were married. He could compliment her all he wanted, and no one would see a thing out of place.

"You're good at singing, and you're good at dancing."

"How long were you standing there?"

"And you're good at caring and loving."

"That's not answering my question."

"I know."


"Just listen to me."

"Not until you answer me."

"I'll answer you after!"

"Fine, but you have to answer me."

"Anyway, what I was saying is you are good at everything, though the thing that you're best at is loving me and-" He was stopped by her hugging him. "Oh- okay then," he said, hugging her back. "That was unexpected." She just hugged him.

"I'm grateful to have you, Worthy. I don't deserve such a king.

"I'm not a king," he said, with a hint of longing in his voice.

"Yes, you are!" she pulled back, "You're mine."

"And you are my queen", he said with a glint in his cat eyes, then he took her hand and spun her. She squealed. "Care to dance, my queen?" he asked. She giggled and replied.

"Of course, my king."

"Well then, dance, give me the song," Shadow nodded and sang. Worthy was a good dancer, he ought to be, after four wedding dances. There were flashes of light outside.

"What's that!?" asked Worthy, suddenly dropping Shadow's hand.

"Want to see?" Shadow knew what that was, and she knew he would love them. She took his hand, not waiting for a reply, and led him outside. She tilted his head up to look at the sky and there were hundreds of dark blue crossings of light.

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