Chapter 7: the "safe" house tree

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Tomas, James and kanan walked back to the tree after a few miles of walking. they felt terrible. James could hardly walk because of his injuries and Tomas was so depressed from what happened to Morgan, he almost couldn't take it, sometimes the mental injury is the strongest he knew this now, he was always one to suck up pain so easily but not now. He felt lost in the world, but since his capture he hadn't much time to thing back. he felt as if he was defeated, everything was taken from his once pristine world, a world that was filled with joy, from his job which he was lucky to revive from his father and from the little town he so enjoyed but it was all gone, and so he continued walking.

They walked into camp with weary faces and sat in the shade of there tree on the beach for the last few minuets of sun. James laid his exhausted head down while our poor Tomas pulled out his dead freinds match, the matched that had saved them all and had spared the world one more prison ship, he took on more look and clasped it as he fell on his face in tears. Kanan laid his head on Tomas try to show his care. a few minted had passed before James said "Tom, I can't get into the tree, I'm to tired and too hurt to do it.", Tomas with teary eyes nodded as he opened the sea chest to pull out some more jerky (they had run out on the beach that day while traveling). "this is all the jerky, well have to cook to rest of we're going to have food, I've got two more casks of beer before we run out of a water sorce to hydrate our selfs" Tomas said softly James just looked at the ground, "look, we need to build a shelter! If we don't tanda-moto will bath in our blood as we watch him eat us and then die a slow painful death, I'm not prepared to go that way" Tomas exclaimed with a deep hate and fear of the lurking beast "i agree Tomas, how about a tree house, we've got the materials" James said obviously he had given this thought (as he always did) "yes!" Tomas said like it was the answer to a long had question he never figured out, well start tomorrow on our safe house tree"
Tomas woke to the sound of James playing with kanan at the base of the tree Tomas had finally obtained a good night sleep and was willing to let the two rascals play, they deserved it. It had seamed as though James and kanan had mad a special bond those first two days one Tomas would be soon to have. He fallacies in the fern bed he had made the first night for a few more minuets of shut eye
Tomas eventually leapt down from his high abode in the trees on to the jungle floors he walked few feet into the camp and the sand at the edge if the jungle the two friends sat there in to sand for a morning talk about how the day was going to work. finally Tomas left there camp site to retrieve a few logs for there house in the trees when suddenly he spotted some thing by his pile of logs, they were large jaguar prints in the wavy sand he quickly took his logs and dropped them off at base, pulled out his pistol and went looking for James, he called and called, kanan barked, Tomas flew into a panic when a rustling came from the bushes Tomas cocked his pistol and in-sheathed his buck-knife, when out came....James. Tomas sighed intensely "we're were you!" Tomas yelled, un-cocking his pistol, a few parrots flew out of the nearby trees "getting flint from that rock formation at the west side of camp" James said confused "well I saw jaguar tracks in the sand, he's watching our every move this small hill were on, it's easy access for his there's one way up and one way down and that's this little slope we need to hurry or one of us is finished!" Tomas said "aren't jaguars afraid of fires?" James said "why yes" Tomas Answered "you work on that fire and I'll start on the house" Tomas said, and the two set out, Tomas dragging logs in from the beach into the jungle tree house and James constantly banging the flint trying to make a fire.

14 long exhausting days and Tomas and James were sitting inside the camp at there new fire and fire place that in an amazing turn of events was sparked from the skill of James. they sat eating there freshly cooked salted pork,whilst James was finishing his banyan wood table he had strived over for the past day (banyan is jungle wood), it was the last of the furniture that he had made, such as, beds ,counters and chairs. the two had worked and toiled obverse what they had accomplished over that first 2 1/2 weeks and try we're satisfied.

Tomas had finished the frame of there house by setting logs at ether end of the trees in between the branches, it was no easy goal. There was to be a ladder up the tree to a main hut in the branches then a plank bridge would go across to another, smaller tree and connect to a single roof, luckily James had found enough nails from wreckage on the beach to to finish the ladder and bridge (he had pitched in once the fire was done) the house now just had I be tarred (made from wet gunpowder) and palms had to be laid as walls against the frames. Two kegs of gun powder had Ben burrows under leaves as a trap for there foe, one touch could ignite the barrel. the other barrels held the iguanas meat they had killed two days before when two igwannas wandered into camp and the last of the pork. there was just one problem...water they were down to bottle a beer they had rationed. they needed water, soon.

The next day Tomas and James picked up there tar and palms and began there work they worked and worked all day in the blistering sun that sun-burned there bearded faces, working on the house climbing very high just to have there protection the so terribly needed for there survival. that evening after almost 3 weeks it was done, there protection, there hope it was done. they spent the last 2 hours of light to talk by the fire. with that Tomas took one tree hut and James took the other they places some sea-shells and there extra clothes on there new table and they both haled the sea chest, muskets, barrels and there other supplies into there tree house, Tomas lit a torch and they both disappeared up the sturdy ladder into there new shelter. the two hut had two crude palm, beds a table and a chair it was magnificent before going to bed James hung the muskets on the wall and when to bed thankful for his safty, later that night Tomas got up from his newly made bed, listening to the birds and crickets and their songs on the bridge. he watched his clock 11:00 is what it said, it had been a week and a half since they had arrived. He still felt shaken, the only hope of rescue was the hope of a establishment, a town, or even a village he new it was a slim chance and he was already beginning to feel the hardship of survival he bearly ate he almost never drank except in the morning when they received there rationed beer, that tasty beer it looked more like heaven than hydration. and every day they got more an more rash with each other they both new it. it was just a matter of time before something set them into a fury.

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