Chapter 5: The darkness cries back

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"Cough, cough, cough!" Tomas croaked as he coughed and spat out sea water on to the banks of a mysterious land. It had been several hours about 3 or 4 since the accident, Tomas lifted his wary head and looked down the shoreline to see corpses, peaces and chunks of wood and metal floating ashore from the wreckage of the "inquisator". he picked himself up from the sand Imprint his unconscious body had left being out so long on the sand. It was around 7:00 in the evening and the sky was hazy with a orange light with wavy clouds in the sky and vast jungle of trees and bamboo laid before him. Tomas once again set his eyes years the beach, as he walked down the beach he notice thy some the corpses had been tampered with and red streaks went into the jungle he saw these steaks once or twice as he walked. but the most mincing thing he thought was the dark red paw prints in the sand, most concentrated by the corpses, a deep fear over took him and he fully realized what situation he was in and what lay before him....he would now have to fight the wilds instead of the prison-masters and he knew what he had to do. he started to run down the sand now remembering his comrades James and Morgan he ran and ran he had not made it but a few hundred feet before running into James. James was lying there unmoving red gashes all over him, Tomas began to weep as he turned him over to see his front vitally untouched he started to push his chest this went on for 2 or 3 minuets before Tomas stopped...he collapsed in a crieing rage giving up and accepting the inevitable he sat there for a few minutes when to his great astonishment James began to croak up water and blood and his eyes opened. Tomas began to smile helping james get up. he picked him up and laid him under a palm tree on the beach as the two looked at each-other Tomas remember what had happens that day....what happens on the "inquisator"

It had been 5 months on the "inquisitor" since the two had met Morgan during lunch that warm afternoon, they were now some were past the Horn of Africa pasty he cape of good hope and floating somewhere near Indonesia in the Indian ocean. And the three had been planning the downfall of the wretched boat that whole time they had a plan in motion:
1. grab the matches from under Morgans bed and 10:00 when the guards switch shifts
2. get to the cargo hold before the guard patrol does
3. Light the gun-powder, clump the rails and jump of the ship hoping for land.
They had there plan ready...every detail was worked out except one, escape, that was the hardest aspect of the whole ordeal they didn't know it land would be near by or if they would drown at sea but they all new they would die to have to ship at the bottom despite the souls on board and so they were ready.
Tomas, Morgan and James sat around there cell table playing the card James had had in his pocket since the trial at the docks at marksfeild They were ready to launch there plan that night if all went well. The three whispered to each other to finalize there plot. "s-so I'll get to the hold w-with my matches, right" questioned Morgan "yes" said Tomas, "and I'm the distraction for any guard if one arrives"asked James, "correct" Tomas confirmed as he slapped down a king and won the war between him and James. "t-t-then it's s-settled" said Morgan "we launch this tonight, we can leave at 10:00 and use my key I've stolen from the guard at the end of the hallway down there Tomas pointed to a chubby man in a tall black hat with a red coat. "Very we'll" James said then the bell ran and they were of to diner. On there way out James said to Morgan "be careful if they catch us...the'll kill us" they exchanged solum nods before leaving the cell following Tomas.
Crrreaakk there cell went as Tomas turned the key in the door the dire creaked a bit more but fell silent the three crept out as the chubby guard left the hall to exchange his post. "Remember well only have 15 minuets" before another guard takes his place" Tomas whispered softly not to wake the prisoners (wal-eye had be suspecting and issued a reward to who-ever was to catch a prisoner out of there cell). They crept down the hallways into another one, they checked the stairs for guards and waited for the one to pass. they quickly jumped down the stairs from the first level to the second level the went down the even darker hallway to the other set of stairs below in the hold they saw two red coated guards by the entrance of the stairs. James picked up the burned out lantern of the edge of the corner cell and threw it behind him the guards both immediately stepped up to the second level while the three hid behind the stair way. as the guards left the hallway they crawled down to the hold gunpowder before them "so the rumors are true!" Exclaimed Morgan "I w-was right!" "Shhhhh!" Tomas violently gestured then Morgan grabbed out his match and was about to light it when Herbert and the two guards burst into the hold with swords drawn "ah ha" Herbert yelled " a little mutiny I it, ha we've caught you red handed, now drop the match!" "never!" Morgan said as he lit the match "NO" Morgan said "don't" "the time of prison ships is over we won't let you enslave the innocent so e-England can h-have Australia, no, never" Morgan screamed Tomas was already at the window ready to jump the left guard pointed his musket at James and her Bert yelled "well kill your friend if u even move on mussel" Morgan was a solid yard away from the barrels and he only had one match and it was burning out. "Morgan just do it!" Tomas yelled the guard pulled the hammer back and looked at James Morgan closest his eyes and dropped the match and James.jumped threw the window which was a few feet away and Tomas followed they herd a gunshot and hit the water the started to swim when the ship blew up peaces few into the sky and the flaming ship started to sink and Tomas fell unconscious.

Tomas returned his attention to James who was still bleeding and regaining his breath. After a few minuets coughing and spitting James returned to normal. as soon as James returned to normal Tomas asked "have you seen those bloody paw prints on you and on the beach and what are those scrapes on you from." James replied gasping as he held the gash in his side "it it was a a jaguar" Tomas looked into the jungle and then looked back James went on "I found the shore a few hours after the ship blew, when I I I got here I was so exhausted I layers there and rested there, then jaguar came out of the woods dragging the dead copses that had Arrived there before me into the jungle. them he came, he must never have seen a human before because he didn't know what to do do then he attacked and with my blood on his paws he walked down the beach to feast in the the dead" James explained as he gasped. "well let's find shelter old friend" Tomas said grabbing his incapacitated friend and helped him into a large tree at the edge of the jungle then he followed "James tomorrow we search for Morgan he bond to be here some-were" Tomas said as they settled in. 

that nigh they both go not sleep, Tomas watched over his friend fearing all the dangers that awaited them in this dark and mysterious land. all the while two green eyes glared at them from the dense part of the jungle a few yards off, they both new who it was, it was the famed black jaguar of Indonesia, the jaguar the native Haywa people Respect and feared. Tomas had herd of the beast from sailors and guards aboard the inquisitor, his name was "Tanda-Moto" which in the native Tongue means "signs of death" all the then suddenly a horrid scream came from the eyes, Tomas shook as he tried to stay calm, he glanced back and he was gone into the darkness.

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