Chapter 24: The Count of the Furnace

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Tomas gasped as he awoke from his unconsciousness, his head throbbed and his shoulder burned, his sides scorched and his mind was dull. He lay on a wood table in the Golden Dragon, dozens of people were around  him as they came and went that afternoon several hours after his duel with the tyrant. Blood lay on the boards that supported his already scared body. His face was covered with the blood of his own and of the counts. His legs were lined with streaks of dry maroon, his body was covered in rags that had been laid apon the wounds, he moaned and groaned as he regained his conciseness. Winston quickly laid his head back onto the table as Tomas chocked and jerked his body from pain. The bar was full of worried and untested patrons who pondered the fate of Tomas, Catherine just finished moving Tomas belongingings into the parlor when she began to serve the watching patrons and visitors and constantly aiding her husband as Tomas was struggling to keep breathing, he was losing blood by the pint, he was dieing as it seemed.
Tomas thought happy thoughts he was avenged. his months of agony and pain was now resolved his vengeful mind has been calmed. If it was his time at the age of 24 he would die. He didn't care, he had experienced how hard life was beyond his humble blacksmith shop, out passed the horizon and into the cold world he had been thrown into by the tyranny of a monster, he had yet to experience happiness since being ushered about the prison that brought him to the hell from which he had spent his last innocent day, rotting out in the foreign heat of that retched place, his body could take seldom more of this torture, he gad been cut and burned and better to the pulp he was. He was scared from head to toe and look like he was in his late 30s when he was a young, childish, 24, yes Tomas was dieing.

"We're listing him Catherine!" Winston screamed, the crowd had left accept a few, mostly Tomas's old clients and freinds, and Elmond stood by as Kanan rested his head on his master legs, Catherine rushed over with more rags an water, "no no no! Winston yelled, Elmond just started to tense up as Tomas's face was washed and ragged as the red, bloody rags were replaced, Tomas was hanging on by a thread, "there we go there we go that's my lad" Winston yelled as Tomas began to breath again, for the first time since the duel Tomas rags were not soaked, his body was fighting! His wounds had began to seal and the blood quit dripping from the now red bar table, the sun was setting and Tomas was beginning to gain back his conciseness and other functions. The smell of death and staleness in the room began to leave the door as a cold winter breeze swept into the old tavern, the mood lightened and hope rose for the fate of the young man.
Tomas stretched one arm, then the other, he rolled his head and moved his shoulders then he tried to move his legs, the pain was to much, he reached for a crutch, it was midnight and he knew he wasn't support to be walking but being as active as he was he couldn't resist, he bagan to raise himself of the study table and evidently (threw exceptional pain) managed to get up strait against the wall using both crutches, his sides still ached and he was still a bloody mess but he continued to walk, he made his way over to the door, "ahh!" Tomas grunted when he hit his side against the wall he opened his door and looked outside, it was snowing, the stroke of midnight echoed threw the streets at the sound of the old iron bell, it would be Christmas time soon. Tomas stumbled to the street and looked up at the stars, the stars that guided him home, the stars that comforted him as he laid alone in his bed all those nights his eyes began to glitter, Tomas felt Elmond hand apon his shoulder, "there beatiful aren't they" Elmond glared the sky, "yes they are!" Tomas exclaimed happily, "how many are there" inquired Elmond, "9096, I've counted many times", Tomas said as if everyone in the land knew, Elmond just sat there amazed, "you should go back inside" Elmond said, "I know, but I must  gaze at the stars for the first time in these few days, they are one of my few comforts" stated Tomas, Elmond patted him on the shoulder and left the man to his inquiry.
"Is he alive!" One man asked "did he make it through the night" a woman's shouted at the people closer to the door, Tomas grabbed his crutch and and a coat and stumbled out of the door way clenching at his sides and covering the bright winter sun, the crowd cheered as Elmond poped hid his head out followed by Winston and the three walked to the middle of the street wonder what the matter was, there was the mayor and his officials (having no power in a long while) the towns people cheered as the beaten Tomas was addressed by the mayor,"brave kinsmen, you have traveled many miles and fought a great foe, and have freed us from terrany, if you'll have us you shall be our count, the count of buckingshire, " the mayor said as the crowd cheered, Tomas spoke not a word, not a seldom word as the mayor went on, "bring forward the sword, Winston ran inside and grabbed the sword a few moments later he returned, and presented it before the mayor who unsheathed it, "what say you sir", "well it is my sword anyway" Tomas chucked, the audience burst out will a mild laughter, the mayor drew the sword and dubbed Tomas, count Tomas porter of buckingshire, the crowds cheered as the jaguar man was given his title, and with a firm handshake of the mayor the count left pack his things to move into his estate that had been left to and the crowds dispersed,

Tomas closed his luggage case and picked up his sword compartment and draped his hood over his blood face, the winter clouds had desapated and the sky's were clear and a breeze blew threw the dragons doorway as Tomas stood at the end of the portch, "Tom I'm gonna stay behind to catch a few more winks I'll be at the ship if you need me", it was 5 In the morning so Tomas obliged Winston and Kanan was ready a to accompany the new count to his new manor, and this the three set out down the streets of marksfeild, as they went on ther way men and we on greeted the two with a little tip of there hat or a curtsy, or even a merry Christmas even the town children followed them a way, mostly wanting to pet the "puppy", they left the populated streets luggage in hand as they strayed down the old dirt road and past the gate dog the buckingshire mansion, a few moments later they Arrived at the prestige bronze doors of the old house Winston was about to knock when a butler dressed in all white opened the door and with a twitch of his mustache exclaimed, merry Christmas sir and seasons greetings, we've been expecting you!" They walked into the home, and as they walked down the red carpets there steps echoed threw the old house, housemaids walked by as the company walked threw the halls into the main room, it was laden with great paintings and fine jewelry that sparkled like snowflakes as well as great tables made from the hands of the finest English craftsmen, they were truly amazed, the silence was Broken by the butler, "here you are sir, my name is Charles sir it is a pleasure to serve such a mole man as yourself, a great change since our previous master this town will be merry again!"

Tomas sat drinking his tea with Winston and Kanan by the fir place in the animal hall, the hall was laden with fine beast one of which was the jaguar he tired not to look at it, "drink up old friend, that cough can kill" Tomas whispered to Winston who was in the middle of his cough, "agreed" Winston said taking a sip, "Winston you have been so kind to me over the years come live with Catherine in my house, there's plenty of space" there was a silence and Winston began to tear, "thank your Tommy" and the two exchange hugs,  just then Kanan walked in with the butler Charles, as well as Edmond "hey tom, I need help on these horse shoes can you be of assistance "well of course lad" Tomas got up from his seat and kanan follow the three ran out of the doors down the lane, across country a ways until they came across the shop they raced into the building, Tomas walked over to the pit and threw the curved bit of metal into the  furnace once, after a short time among the coal, it had sustained a nice orange he pulled it out with prongs he grabbed his hammer and "crack, crack, crack" was the sound of 24 year old Tomas porters hammer as it hit the Mason's anvil.

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