Chapter 15: Racing from the Storm

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Tomas cut threw the jungle, deer in-toe, threw onto the red beach, it was getting late and the deer was yet to be skinned, cleaned and hung.
Tomas whipped his face off the sweat that was steaming down his face as he tied the deer to a hanging branch near the camp Kanan jumped up on it several times, "wheeeeeew" Tomas whistled, Kanan jumped of the carcass and trotted merrily toward Tomas. Tomas patted him " were would I be without you, old pooch" Tomas scrubbed his belly, "dead is what" Tomas chicle for the first time since his arrival Tomas ran his hands down his beard it was over a foot long by now, the 7 months I island life had worn him to his knees his arms were scraped his legs were bruised, even his chest shot acute pain from his old scar. Still he continued to survive.
"well looks like we've got a week, two weeks at best till the peak of monsoon season" Tomas sighed to the happy and as they walked along the sunny beach, a storm rattle in the distance, Tomas's whiskers twitched with his cheek. The two returned to camp' Tomas set hai cap on the bench, the mood began to change to a depression, Tomas marked of one more tally on his calendar rock. "7 months..." Tomas cried "a little more than 7 months, how have we made it this far, we starve we thirst we suffer on this horrible rock, we live hear with hell it's sell, we live hear with a beast as fierce as fire!" Tomas yelled into the air, "the count if buckingshire, the count Wallace shall pay for the suffering the lives and the blood he has spilt, if I die hear so be it but if I oracle against the wilds than he will end!" Kanan whimpered at his masters anger. Tomas fed the small flame of fire, as the fire grew he cleaned and cut the deer.
Tomas salted the meat and presumed it in one of his rusty rotting wood barrels left under his tree he carted the antlers up to the ladder throwing kanan a demerit bone. He opened the tarp and laid the antlers on the wall above his bed. He set his musket down on the rack and fell asleep, to the sound of crickets and thunder fast approaching.

Day one of construction:

Tomas woke up he walked outside, he feet lander on moist, damp foliage, he pulled out of the barrel a rib of deer his mouth watered as he cooked and eat the tastes breakfast. After a few moments if thought, he picked up the old axe and headed into the bamboo grove to begin his raft! By mid after noon he had gathered 21 stalked of bamboo he count the stalked to make a few dozen bamboo planks he would use and a shelter on his raft

Day two of constrution:

Tomas harvests bamboo to finalize the material for the raft shelter the raft shingles are cut to keep the rain off of as he sails threw the stormy ocean.

Day Three and four:

Logs are cut to Create the base for the raft, sticks are salvages for the planks of the planned vessel.

Day five,size, and seven:

Tomas gathers Rope cordage and vines from trees and yucca to bind the raft together.

Tamas sat in the evening sun, in his old chair, he held his tribal spear, studying it learning it strengths and weaknesses, he shaped the stone end with a piece of flint from the formation ousted the camp, he stared out onto the beach looking at his pile of materials laying there, ready to be used, Tomas felt accomplishment from his feats of the past week, and rightly so, he had barely sleep barly eat he was ready to rest, he sat his spaer drown nest to the shield, he payed down on his palm bed as his mind drifted to tanda-moto, he craved his demise. He craved to watched the beast suffer, he was ready for a confrontation with the devil and wanted his death, the cat had taken so much from him. With a quick moment of anger, he thought again of the raft, the deer would last him one more week, as he finished the raft, tommarow he would start the construction of his possible salvation! Tomas chocked and croaked, blood poured out of his mouth into his hands, this was the third time this week these violent fits had happened, Tomas began to worry of his condition, a week chopping and curing min the sun had got him some tropical illness, he new not what but it was taking a tole on him. He knew this might happen he had been in a foreign land for almost a year and yet no sickness had every pained him. of all the years of studying he had done he knew nothing of his condition, his legs felt weak he wobbled sometimes he was afraid of what might happen.

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