22. Tower of Tears

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- Lorenzo Romero - 

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- Lorenzo Romero - 

If someone would have told me that this would become my life, at 9pm, holding a baby that wouldn't stop crying, I would have walked away. I used to be up partying, and having a good time with whoever I could find, but now, I was here, in a new country, away from everything that I had grown up knowing. 

I felt, like I could breathe a little better, even though I was being suffocated by the arms wrapped around my neck as her tears trickled down my neck. I had no idea what to do. Standing up, I started to pace around the room, and this slowed the tears a little, but not by much. I was not sure how such a small tiny person could cry as much as my sister. 

She was crying a river down my back, that was for sure. And I just let it happen, all because I couldn't stop my brother from leaving us all here, where we knew nothing. Who knew where he was going, as it was beyond me. He hadn't even spoken to any of us, just drunk his asse of, scared Chiara and then we were here to do what? 

To be the scapegoats in everything him? I know he had done a lot for us, and I condemn him for that, but this is not what I signed up for. I didn't want to be here, without him. Without the person that I had described to Chiara as one of the best people that I knew in this cruel world. He had protected me for so long, and I had just let him go, like I was on the lose end of the string. 

A hiccup fell through my sister, as I stood at the window of my bedroom, watching as my brother sat in his car, only having had roll it down a few meters down the driveway. I hoped he could see me, standing here with our sister. The sister whose heart he just broke in half. The sister who I could see was turning into black and white right in front of me. 

I had heard her cry for her bubba, and it had broken me even more than I knew that it should have. I continued to stand there, as my brother looked up from his car, seeing me, stoic face with his baby sister in my arms, without a shirt on, as she sobbed for him. "Come on, lets go watch a movie and have some milk" at that, I grabbed the curtain and covered the window, before I was walking away with my sister, not our sister. 

Right now, Leo used to be a brother to me. 


A sigh fell through my lips, as I watched the time change to 5am, knowing that it would be another hour of cartoons, while my little sister slept like a little rock on my chest, making it hard to move. She had insisted that she would sleep under the hoodie I had thrown on, as this house was so cold it didn't feel like a home. 

I was ready to drive my asse back to New York, and get out of Canada. I knew we were barely over the border, but that was enough to make me miss New York. I missed the bustle of the streets and the lights that lit up the windows. Every once in a while, I would sit on the balcony and just watch the lights for hours on end. 

I wish I had recorded it, but then I don't. The memories are always better in my head then they usually are when I see them through a screen. Same as these cartoons, that I can recite in my head, from watching them all the time. It was what we always did whenever our parents had left the house, as we were usually kicked out of the house when they were there.

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