Prologue part 1: The accident

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(Y/N) was just your ordinary teenager living on Earth, 1.8 meters tall, decent looks and a little bit above the average intelligence. He was a bit of a nerd with his desire for knowledge and his passion for reading books, the latter which his classmates often teased him with, after all, why read books with hundreds of pages for relaxation and entertainment when you could go to parties every weekend or play videogames? (Y/N) did not get annoyed at this, he knew it was unusual for someone of his age but he had accepted this and went on with his life.

What really set him apart from his peers though was his respect and kindness towards drones, seeing them more as equals. Most people treated them as lower lifeforms or in some bad cases, as pests. He made sure to keep this hidden in order to avoid getting shunned. He sometimes helped drones if they were in trouble, which is how he met Tessa.

One day, when he was still 15 years old, he was taking a walk around the city where his campus and school were located to get some fresh air, he noticed 2 guys and a girl who had cornered a lone female worker drone in an alley.

"Where are you going with those groceries you little bitch?" One of the guys asked, holding a metal pipe.

The worker drone, clearly scared answerd: "I- I was told by my owner to go buy them"

"Is that right? Well, it's a shame you failed to do that then." The girl said with a mischievious smirk before snatching the bag with groceries out of the drones hands and throwing them a little farther away.

"Why- why are you doing this?" The worker asked.

"Why? Because you drones are our little punching bags." The Guy with the metal pipe answered before preparing to strike her with it.

(Y/N) saw this all happen and decided he had enough, calling the cops so they could intervene would take too long so he decided to do this himself. He took an empty Pepsi can that was laying on the ground nearby and threw it at the group.

"Hey assholes!" (Y/N) shouted.

The can hit the head of the second guy, the one without the pipe, which got their attention.

"Hey! What was that for?!" The guy yelled toward (Y/N)

"You leave that drone alone right now! I will not allow you hurting her!" (Y/N) yelled back in response.

"Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that exactly? I am the one that is armed here, I will easily beat you to a pulp." The guy with the pipe asked in a smug tone.

(Y/N) took a piece of wood that leaning against a nearby dumpster and held it in his right hand. "Wanna try saying that again?"

"Oh thats it! You're dead! The guy with the pipe yelled angrily before charging towards (Y/N) and swinging the pipe towards his head.

(Y/N) Quikly ducked out of the way and hit his legs with the piece of wood, making him fall to the ground.

(Y/N) then hit the side of the guys head, knocking him out for a good little while.

What (Y/N) failed to notice though was the second guy had run up to him and hit proceeded to hit him in the chest. Which staggered him back and caused him to drop the piece of wood.

The guy tried to hit (Y/N) again but he managed to dodge, grab the guys arm and throw him against the nearby dumpster, which proceeded to also knock him out.

(Y/N) Then glared at the girl who was with the two guys, which proceeded to scare her and caused her to run away, he also noticed that the drone had used the commotion of the fight to escape, taking her bag with groceries in the process.

(Y/N) scoffed. "Not even a thank you? Well, at least she is safe now."

He was preparing to leave when he heard someone run up to him and ask: "Hey, are you alright?"

(Y/N) turned around and immediatly recognized her.

(Y/N) turned around and immediatly recognized her

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It was Tessa Elliot, daughter of Mr and Ms. Elliot and heir to the JCJenson company. She was one of the more popular girls at school but not very social. Most of her popularity came from her being the heir to one of the biggest companies in the galaxy.

"Yeah, i'm okay, he didn't hit me too hard." (Y/N) answered.

"Oof, i'm glad. I'm Tessa, nice to meet you." Tessa said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you too Tessa." (Y/N) sais when shaking her hand.

"I have to admit, that was pretty brave of you taking on those 2 guys to save that drone, but why would you do that?" Tessa asked.

"Because I think we should treat drones with some more respect and that they aren't just things we can do whatever we want with." (Y/N) answered.

Tessa gave him a happy smile. "I'm glad you think that way, I do that too."

"Wait really?"

"Yes, I have some workers at my home that I repaired and made them my friends."

"Well that's really cool, how did you do it?"

"I would love to tell you about it but let's go somewhere else first, we could get in trouble if someone would see us with these 2 here." Tessa pointed at the 2 unconscious guys. "You just beat them up after all."

"You're right." (Y/N) answered. "Let's get out of here."

Tessa and (Y/N) then walked away and became pretty good friends over the next few months, (Y/N) learned that Tessa was studying to be a technician in her parnets company while he was studying to be a spaceship pilot. Some people at school were jealous that (Y/N) actually managed to become friends with Tessa, something few people managed to do. But he did not care about this. He was glad he finally found someone that shared his beliefs that drones should be treated with more respect and not just as slaves, even though they were created to serve humans.

But one day, one sunny wednesday afternoon, when he was only 16 years old, his life would change forever.

(Y/N) was on his way to the store to get a new lock for his bike since his old one was about to break when he suddenly heard a woman scream. "Nooooo!"

(Y/N) quickly turned around and saw what was happening, a little child, perhaps still a toddler was about to get hit by a car. The child was frozen in fear and could not move out of the way, the driver was desperatly pressing the brake but it was clear he would not be a ble to stop in time.

Acting purely on instinct, (Y/N) sprinted to the child and pushed it out of the way of the incoming vehicle, unfortunatly it meant that he would be the one that got hit.

The very next moment, he got hit and flew through the air, crashed on the ground, and his mind faded to black.


Authors note: Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this first part of the prologue, part 2 should come out soon and once again, feel free to leave a review of things that you liked or things that don't really make sense or some grammar mistakes that I made.

See you all soon!

The Humandrone (Male reader x Murder drones)Where stories live. Discover now