Where is everyone?

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Narrator POV

(Y/N), J, N and V were flying high above some snowy fields, back in their usual clothing on their way to what was supposed to be the presumed base of operations of the Dissasembly drone Delta team, located in what was the biggest spaceship port on the planet. From there they patrolled the surrounding districts in a radius of 100 kilometers. (Y/N) had been surprised when he was informed of that.

(Short flaskback)

"Why is their area of operations twice as big as yours?" He asked J.

"I think it's because it isn't as densely packed as here in this city. Our territory is filled with tons of skyscrapers, appartements and regular houses. Their territory is mostly filled with large docks, terminals and other industrial districts." J answered.

"That would make sense." (Y/N) said.

(End of flashback)

N flew closer to (Y/N) and asked: "Why couldn't Uzi come with us?"

"Because she would probably be attacked on sight because she is a worker drone." (Y/N) answered. "It's safer if it is only us four when we try to convince them to join us. Besides, she wanted to check out Doll's house to check if we missed something there that could be useful."

N thought for a minute before answering: "I guess you're right."

(Y/N) thought back to the events that unfolded right after they had investigated Doll's house. They had informed the drone council of what they had found and the council had, understandibly, been shocked and horrified.

Doll's house was currently being cleaned out by cleaning crews while at the same time the police (or at least the worker drones version of them) identified the corpses and informed their families.

"How long until we get there?" (Y/N) asked J.

"We should be there any moment now, look, you can already see a bit of the port." J answered while pointing at something in the distance.

(Y/N) squinted his eyes and could indeed see a bit of the port already, they were rapidly aproaching it.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the port and kept hovering in place before starting to explore the area.

"So how are we gonna do this?" V asked. "Are we staying together or are we gonna split up?"

"I suggest we stick together, if we split up and one of us gets attacked the others won't know about it." (Y/N) said.

"Are you sure? If we split up we could cover more ground in less time." J said.

"I woud rather spend more time searching than have one of us being hurt." (Y/N) responded.

"You have a point there." J said.

N and V nodded in agreement and they then started flying around the area while staying near each other.

They continued flying to explore the area and spotted many warehouses, dockyards, terminals, trucks, forklifts, containers and ships that had been rusting away in their docks, some had even fallen from their supports and crashed on the ground, damaging them beyond use.

They kept flying around to look for the spire of the Delta team.

Uzi was walking through the hallways of the colony to Doll's house, she wanted to investigate it again. She hadn't really gotten a chance to properly investigate after Doll had tried to shoot her and then managed to escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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