Questions and explanations

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Narrator POV

(Y/N) slowly woke up and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that N, J and V were still sleeping.

"Huh, I thought that someone else would already be awake before me." (Y/N) thought to himself.

"I wonder how today is gonna go, I kinda dropped a bombshell on the workers yesterday after saying they could go back outside.

While he lay there on his bed thinking about all of this, N started to wake up as well. He opened his eyes and yawned.

(Y/N), alerted of someone being awake because of the yawn, looked down and upon seeing that it was N who was awake, whispered to him: "Good morning N."

"Good morning (Y/N)." N aswered. "Why are we whispering?"

(Y/N) pointed to V and J. "They are still sleeping. But I think they should wake up soon."

N nodded his head and layed back down on his bed quietly, (Y/N) did the same.

5 Minutes later, V and J also woke up.

"Good morning" N and (Y/N) said to J and V.

"Good morning you two" J responded.

"Good morning." V also anwered.

"And? Was it difficult to adjust to sleeping on a bed instead of on the ceiling?" (Y/N) asked.

"Only a little bit, I thought I would not be able to sleep at all to be honest." N answered.



"Okay, everyone has slept decently well I presume, but we have more important things to discuss at the moment." J said.

"Which is?" V asked, sitting up, dangling her legs over the side of the bed.

"We need to talk about what we are going to do now, yesterday had some pretty big developments after all." J answered, getting up from the bed.

"That is true, (Y/N) did surprise us after all yesterday with his reveal." N said.

"Yeah, i'm sorry, I should have discussed it with you all before telling the workers they could go outside again..." (Y/N) said, looking down in regret.

"Just, warn us in advance before doing something like that again please?" J said, looking at (Y/N) with a small forgiving smile.

(Y/N) raised his head to look at the others. "Okay, will do."

J nodded before continuing: "Since the workers now know they can go outside to the surface again, they will probably want to ask us a lot of questions first."

"If they don't try to somehow capture or kill us, you three caused an actual genocide on them when you arrived after all." (Y/N) said.

J, V and N looked down in shame knowing what they had done, they had learned from Uzi that the workers weren't soulles corrupted machines like they thought they were, but actual people with families, personalities and entire lives, and they ended so many of them without a single thought of remorse.

V quickly spoke up however: 'I know we killed so many of them and even I am starting to regret it but if they try anything shady, I will not hesitate to kill them."

"Defending ourselves is of course something I completely agree with, but just scare them off okay? We don't want to make more enemies than we already have." (Y/N) answered.

"Us three having enemies with the worker drones I understand, but why would you have enemies with the workers?" N asked (Y/N), clearly a bit confused.

"Well, even though I am not a murder drone, I do look a lot like you all, so there will undoubtibly be workers who think that I am also a murder drones and hate me as a result."

The Humandrone (Male reader x Murder drones)Where stories live. Discover now