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Narrator POV

It had been a week since (Y/N), J, V, N and Uzi had explained everything to Khan and the rest of the worker drone colony council. The council had informed the entire colony the next day about what happend, including the fact it was now safe to go outside again.

Many workers were sceptic at first and very unsure, but when some daredevils ventured outside and came back completely unscathed, and Thad started telling everyone how he met the dissasembly drones, had a conversation with them and how they even saved him and the colony from that strange monster, they eventually started going out more and more. Almost everyone stayed far away from the dissasembly drones though, many were still afraid of them. The few that did meet the dissasembly drones (It was almost always N or (Y/N), they were the only ones that were friendly enough at the moment to approach the workers for a casual conversation) told everyone about it, gaining a bit of fame in the process.

Khan and the other members of the council had started creating and organizing groups of workers who went out of the colony to scout out the city and the surrounding areas for potential places to build infrastucture that would allow them to live on the surface again, first would be resource extraction locations where mines could be built, and search for the necessary equipment to turn those resources into usable materials. After which they would start building houses, places for recreational activities and eventually, space infrastructure and planetary defenses.

They had a lot of work to do before they could really begin living on the surface again, so for now the workers kept living in the bunker.

(Y/N), V, N and J helped the worker drone squads sometimes with planning missions and transporting equipment and surveying the area, but they did not do it too much, many workers were still uncomfortable with them after all.

Uzi had resumed her usual routine that she had before meeting N, V, J and (Y/N),  going to school, being an angsty teen, hating her father, etc. She did go outside from time to time to see N and the others to chat and exchange ideas for weapons. Uzi was planning to rebuild her railgun but wanted to improve the design first, the recharge time was too long in her opinion. She had one issue though.

She was still being bullied.

One day she was walking through the school hallways flipping through her notes when she was suddenly hit by a ball on the side of her head. After rubbing her head where the ball had hit her she looked where it had came from and saw some guys from another class snickering among themselves before running off into a different hallway.

Assholes She thought to herself before walking further. She was used to the small amounts of bullying and talking behind her back, but she thought it would have stopped  after she helped defend the colony, but that had been wishful thinking.

For a few days it had stopped, but after that it had continued just as usual, it had subsided a little bit but some people still continued, mainly those bitches Lizzy and Rebecca. If only she could find a way to let it stop for good. She would think about it later, for now she had to think about the assignment the teacher had given to the entire class, making a presentation of a subject of choice.

An idea suddenly popped into her head, she smiled to herself before making her way to the doors.

(Y/N) was sitting on the edge of the roof of a small skyscraper reading a book while drinking some Fanta (a type of soda), his legs dangling over the edge, it had been a while since he had some time alone to read so he was really enjoying it. He was really surprised when he found that library two days ago on an expedition with a worker squad. He did not investigate it immedialtly but came back to it later and had been busy the next few hours putting all the books that could be salvaged in a large room that was still secure from the elements and neatly organizing them all on shelves, tables and crates.

The Humandrone (Male reader x Murder drones)Where stories live. Discover now