Prologue part 2: The transfer

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(Y/N) woke up to a beeping sound. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a white ceiling. He turns his head around and sees that he is on a bed with a heart monitor and an iv stand standing next to him. He also notices that his left arm and right leg are covered in plaster.

What happend? (Y/N) thinks, he tries to get up but is hit with a wave of pain, making him unable to get up.

He begins remembering things, a scream, a car, a feeling of wheightlessness? Then he remembers everyting. He tried to save a kid from getting hit by a car but got hit himself by doing it. He must be in a hospital now, that has to be only logical explanation.

The door to his room then opens and he sees a nurse walking in. She notices him, walks over to him, proceeds to stand next to his bed and begins speaking.

"Good morning, it seems you are finally awake. How are you feeling right now?" The nurse asks (Y/N)

"I feel terrible, my hole body hurts, where am I? What happend?" (Y/N) asks

"You are in the A.Z. Herald hospital, you got hit by a car and were unconscious for 2 days."

"2 Days?! holy shit. What kind of injuries do I have? I tried to get up to see but I could only see that one of my arms and legs are covered in plaster.

The nurse pulls out a clipboard that was hanging on the edge of (Y/N)'s bed and said:

"Well, it says here that your right leg is broken, your left arm is shattered and you have multiple bruises along your entire body along with internal bleeding, the latter of which tests have been run to see how severe they are, but results have not come in yet."

(Y/N) was silent for a few minutes, taking in all the information.

(Y/N): "Holy shit, I was expecting bad but not THAT bad. Explains why I am having such trouble moving."

The nurse nods and puts the clipboard back into its case which is hanging on the end of (Y/N)'s bed.

"Has my family come to see me yet?" (Y/N) asks.

"Yes they have." Answered the nurse. "They came by yesterday and the day before that but you were still unconscious at that time. Do you want us to notify them that you have woken up?"

"Yes, please do." (Y/N) answered, wanting to see his family again.

"Okay, we will do." The nurse answers before walking out of the room.

1 hour later (Y/N) hears the door to his room open and sees his parents and sister rushing over to his bed, his mother almost hugs him but seeing again that his arm is in a cast, manages to stop herself at the last moment and instead just kisses him on the forehead while crying at the same time.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" His father asks (Y/N) in a worried voice.

"I'm feeling terrible dad, My whole body hurts." (Y/N) answers.

"I would be more worried if it didn't." His mother said. "You got hit by a car going 70km/hour after all."

"Why would you even jump in front of that car, We know you did it to save that kid but you have never done this before, why would you suddenly do it now?" His sister asked.

"I don't know why my body reacted like that, I think it was just pure instinct." (Y/N) answered.

(Y/N) then asked: "What happend to the child?"

"The child is safe with his parents, you managed to push him out of the way of the incoming car. If you had not acted the way you did, he would probably be dead. I'm proud of you son." His father said to (Y/N) while smiling.

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