Pilot part 1: The arrival at Copper-9

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The next few weeks after (Y/N)'s transformation were filled with tests of him trying to get used to his new body and all the abilities that came with it. The first few days was primarily basic movement, moving his arms, learning to walk again, and of course, getting used to his tail.

The second week he was guided every day to a training facility where he would learn to use the abilities of his new body, first was how to change his hands into his weapons:

"Alright (Y/N), today we will start with changing your right hand into a claw." Researcher Lucas said, wearing the same type of suit like the one he had when (Y/N) became the drone he is now.

"Uh, okay, how do I do that?" (Y/N) asked, not sure what to do.

"You have to imagine which hand you want to change and to what exact weapon you want it to be, and then you have to 'command' your body to respond and change."

"Okay." (Y/N) said. He closed his eyes and commanded his hand to become a claw, he heard a little click and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that his right hand had changed into a claw.

 He closed his eyes and commanded his hand to become a claw, he heard a little click and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that his right hand had changed into a claw

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"Impressive, that was quick, I thought you would take at least a minute or 2 to do it." researcher Lucas said before noting down what happend on the clipboard what happend.

"Yeah, I thought so too." (Y/N) said, moving his claws a little.

"Now test them out on that target over there." Lucas said while pointing at a dummy that was standing near them.

(Y/N) immediatly struck the dummy, leaving 3 big gashes on its chest. "Wow." He remarked. "These claws are really sharp. What other things do I have?"

"Well, normally, except for those claws, you should have swords, rocket launchers, MP5's and, something that only leader-type drones have, an EMP-device and resistance to the effects of an EMP."

"That is A LOT. why do dissasembly drones have so many weapons?"

"Dissasembly drones are designed to destroy rogue drones, who can often be very dangerous, so they are heavily armed, and because you have a modified body of a dissasembly drone, it would make sense for you to have them as well."

"I guess that does make sense." (Y/N) said

"Okay, now change your left hand into an MP5 and shoot the other target over there." Lucas said pointing at another target dummy that was standing 3 meters away from them.

"Okay, cover your ears." (Y/N) said, changing his left hand into an MP5 and waiting for Lucas to cover his ears before shooting.

Lucas covered his ears with his hands and (Y/N) shot at the target dummy, he missed 2/3 of his shots but some bullets hit the torso and stomach of the dummy.

(Y/N) stopped firing and signaled to Lucas that he could stop covering his ears.

"Interesting" Lucas said while writing down the results.

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