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     "Erin! Wake up, please!"

      I heard Thomas whispering. His words tickled my ears. I opened my eyes and I smiled. His eyes were tired and swollen. He looked scared. I put my hand around his neck, then pulled him over me. I kissed him. He chuckled slightly.

          "Are you ok?" "I think so. What about you? Thomas, I'm sorry for everything. It was not enough that you have suffered in the past year, I broke your heart too... I can not even deserve to know you." I said feeling my eyes getting wet.

       "Erin, you are the most precious and the only thing I have left. Angels have their own demons. I love you! Do not leave me! Please, do not leave me!" "Who said that I will leave you?" "I am afraid. I do not want to lose you. Not you. You're the one who makes me who I am. My heart belongs to you. Take care of it, it is still fragile. Keep it hidden there next to your heart and don't let it go. "

       He looked at me with tears in his eyes. What should they mean? It was something that will link us for the rest of our lives: love. All this time, he loved me just as I was and I am: a demon. Everything around us was just ashes. But they say that we are born from it. It was time for rebirth. I remember my first dream. There were fragments of stars, dreams, life and death. There were what remains from the world that I had and I destroyed. I was right next door to Hell. It opened ... but I did not go inside. Right next door to Hell is Heaven's Door and the two worlds are in the mirror, but things look entirely different.

      "We promised that this world will never blind us. And these were our words. Our words become our songs and our songs are my prayers. These prayers keep me strong." He whispered in my ear as he kissed it. "What are we going to do? A psychopathic demon wants to kill you and we ..." "My death can wait. It's not time for it to come."

      I was watching outside through the window of my bedroom. The sunset was close. The sky was abundant bleeding, caught in the sharp claws of darkness. The Queen Moon ran as fast as she could to meet her lover, but he was the light, but she was the prisoner of darkness.

       The trees were growing to the sky. Their trunks, thick and mossy, were old and shriveled. Rustling leaves fallen dead on my frozen feet which were standing on the cold ground. A wolf looked at me through the woods. I did not know where they are going or where they have come. The beast was coming to me. It growled menacingly. There were heard footsteps behind me. There was no one. I was not safe. I felt scared by the animal. It approached me with that big, glassy eyes. His teeth were red, a sign that it barely finished eating. I was prepared for the pain that I had to feel it... It came next to me and layed its head on my lap. It wanted to be comforted and loved. Its fur was soft and pleasant under my touch. It stood up its nose and faced me. It could not speak, but it show me the way were i supposed to go.

      It led me through clearings and glades, the areas where the light penetrated and even one bad troubled banks. We went up when a bridge was laid before us. It was a long and rickety bridge. The wolf showed me that I had to get over it. Below us yawned a huge chasm. My steps creaked on every board that I walk on. How easily I could, I crossed the bridge. At the other end he was waiting for me. He smiled. I approached him slightly but gradually his expression turn into frightening one. I ran, but someone pulled me back. I went farther ... more ... the love of my life, my happiness, my everything I had. What do you got if you ain't got love?

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