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Earlier that day...

Mio opened the door towards Naruto's room.

She briefly looked inside to see whether there was something that could attack her, the sheer fact that it was 'forbidden' allowed for a minor sense of danger and mystery to the area. Essentially, her imagination filled in the question of 'Why can't I go in there?' for her.

She felt silly for feeling that way but it was true.

After making sure that there wasn't some sort of rabid dog about to attack her or anything, she fully entered the room. She frowned when she couldn't see anything due to the lack of light and how dark it was getting outside.

She quickly fumbled for the light switch to find her missing companion, before she quickly retracted her wandering hand when she felt it getting nicked.

She opted to just use a minor fire spell to illuminate the area for herself, if she was gonna get it when the blond got back home for trespassing, might as well go all in. Though even she knew that was slightly faulty reasoning.

She made a small fire with her left index finger, it helped illuminate her surroundings a lot better. She moved said finger to where she nicked her finger and saw something rather...strange.

A metal star.

A very sharp metal star, likely made from similar material as the metal knife that the blond carried on his sleeve.

But unlike that slightly familiar metal knife that Mio saw before...there was no mistaking the iconic weapon that she was looking at.


Mio frowned as she stared at the object, why would Naruto have shuriken? They were pretty old weapons that ninjas used back in the day right?

Her confusion only rose as she looked around with her small fire, she saw many strange things lying around the room.

There were shuriken and 'metal knives' that were lying in small pouches, rolled up scrolls that had strange seals placed on them, he even had several books on a desk which seemed to be focused on methods of teleportation. She was pretty sure that some of those books were fake though...

None of these things were really strange per-say...if they were by themselves anyways. The shuriken can be explained away as a hobby for collecting ninja-wear, the seals could be seen as a magician-thing that she wasn't aware of, and the books that were focused on teleportation could be another facet of learning that magicians were known for.

But all together...it paints a very bizarre picture. She just wasn't sure what to make out of it.

The only thing that she found that truly helped her indicate that this was Naruto's room rather than some weird alternate dimension, was the fact that she found his ramen stash hidden behind the bookshelf.


But after making that discovery, she found something else that made her doubt the authenticity of the room's owner all over again.

She found a scroll which was lying open with a lot of writing on it. It was laying on Naruto's bed with several ideas of...

...of how someone can travel between worlds.



-is this...? Naruto...?" Mio asked quietly to the blond in front of her. Was this an elaborate prank? Maybe a fit of imagination for some kind of story?

She didn't know. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

But shortly after her discovery, Maria came home and she shared what she found with her. They both reached the same conclusion.

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