Chapter 09:🔞A Doctor's Seduction

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Ruhanika: Shaurya... *she whispered, her voice husky with desire* I want you.

A slow smile spread across Shaurya's face.

Shaurya: I want that too *he replied, reaching for her hand. He had never seen this side of Ruhanika before and he was eager to explore it further*

 He had never seen this side of Ruhanika before and he was eager to explore it further*

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Their eyes met, and Ruhanika felt a spark of electricity run through her body. She leaned in, pressing her lips to his, and Shaurya responded with equal passion. Their tongues danced together, tasting the sweetness of the wine they had been drinking.

Shaurya pulled Ruhanika onto his lap, his hands roaming over her curves. She moaned softly as he cupped her breast, his thumb brushing over her nipple. He could feel the heat radiating from her body, and he wanted her with an intensity that he had never felt before.

 He could feel the heat radiating from her body, and he wanted her with an intensity that he had never felt before

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Ruhanika stood, taking Shaurya's hand and leading him to the bed. She kissed him deeply, her hands working to remove his shirt. Once they were both naked Shaurya helped her, his fingers trembling with anticipation.
He gently pushed her down, his eyes darkening as he looked at her curves.

Shaurya: You're so beautiful *he murmured, his fingers tracing the outline of her breasts*

He kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her breasts, his tongue tasting her soft skin. Ruhanika arched her back, her breath hitching as he took her nipple into his mouth.

Ruhanika moaned as he touched her, her nipples hardening under his fingers. She had never felt such desire before, not even on her own.

Shaurya's fingers continued to explore her body, moving down to her pussy. He could feel the heat emanating from her and knew that she was ready for him.

Shaurya: I want to taste you *he said, his voice low and seductive*

Ruhanika nodded, her breath hitching as he lowered his head between her legs. He began to lick her pussy, his tongue tracing her folds with expert precision.

 He began to lick her pussy, his tongue tracing her folds with expert precision

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Ruhi: Shaurya *Ruhanika moaned, her fingers threading through his hair*

Shaurya continued to lick and suck her pussy, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. Just as she was about to cum, he slid a finger inside of her.

Ruhi: Ahhh *she cried out, her back arching as he fucked her with his fingers*

Shaurya could feel her muscles clenching around him, milking him for all he was worth. He continued to fuck her with his fingers, his tongue never leaving her clit.

Ruhanika's orgasm hit her like a wave, crashing over her and leaving her breathless. She could feel her juices flowing out of her, coating Shaurya's fingers.

Shaurya stood up, his cock hard and ready for her. He positioned himself at her entrance, his eyes locked on hers.

Shaurya: I'm going to make you mine *he said, his voice full of determination*

Ruhanika looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and desire, her pussy clenching in anticipation. She was ready for him, ready to give herself to him fully.

Shaurya pushed inside of her, his cock filling her up completely. Ruhanika cried out in pleasure, her nails digging into his back.

He began to move, his thrusts slow and steady at first. Ruhanika met him stroke for stroke, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The sound of their moans filled the room, drowning out all other sounds.

Shaurya's movements became faster and more urgent as he felt himself nearing the edge. Ruhanika could feel it too, her muscles clenching around him as she approached her climax.

Ruhi: Fuck me, Shaurya *she begged, her hips meeting his thrust for thrust*

Shaurya obliged, his cock pounding into her with reckless abandon. He could feel his orgasm building, his balls tightening as he fucked her harder and harder.

Shaurya: I'm going to cum. *he groaned, his hips stuttering as he reached his peak*

Ruhi: Cum inside of me. *Ruhi begged, her pussy clenching around his cock*

Shaurya did as she asked, his cock pulsing as he filled her up with his cum. Ruhanika could feel him flooding her, her pussy overflowing with his seed.

They collapsed together, their bodies spent and satisfied. Ruhanika looked up at Shaurya, her eyes shining with love.

Ruhi: I love you! *she whispered, her fingers tracing his jaw*

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Ruhi: I love you! *she whispered, her fingers tracing his jaw*

Shaurya: I love you too! *Shaurya replied, as his fingers traced her cheek*

They lay in each other's arms, their bodies entwined as they drifted off to sleep. They were finally one, their love consummated and their souls connected.

From that moment on, they were inseparable, their love burning brighter than ever. They faced many challenges as a couple, but they always faced them together, their love only growing stronger with each passing day.


The End

A/n: As Promised I've uploaded 2 chapters. All in all, 1 more chapter left and offically the book would be signing off😚❤️‍🩹

Epic Love


Released:- 24.03.24🌑⚡️

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&quot;Whispers of Fate: The Epic Love Story of Shaurya and Ruhanika&quot; ✔️Where stories live. Discover now