(Part four) dex finally tells

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Everyone had dispersed because the orientation was over not like anyone actually paid attention, but I can't get over the fact that Bianna was there I mean I know we're literally best friends and we go to the same school and our dorms are literally four doors down from each other. I see her all the time but I've had a crush on her since like level three and , she just seems so distracted I mean I know she likes Cameron I mean that guy is literally the definition of hot and Bianna always said how awkward it would be to date someone in a friend group when y'all break up that's gonna be weird so no way she would ever date me like me it's matter fact, so why was she stuttering? Maybe Sophie told her something I don't know because Sophie and Keefe has been acting weird and Fitz. Well, he's being Fitz. I don't know if somethings up between the three of them they won't tell me, Sophie always tells me everything she went through this phase where she acted like I wasn't my best friend but she was over that we were over that she always tells me what's happening. Why won't she tell me it's just Ugg

Has walking past Sophie's door they're talking about someone I'm guessing Cameron by the be honest responding, but then I hear my name maybe they're just saying face about friend groups I don't know I walk her to the door to ask them when Sofie starts singing

" bianna has a crush bianna has a crush'"

I stand there because I was stupid. Of course I had to say something

" wait, what"

" oh my God Dex we're having a girl talk you can leave now" Sophie says trying to cover up for Bianna

" yeah Dex you weren't supposed to hear that"

"Wait, how much did you hear?" biana an asks

" I just heard Sophie singing that last part, I didn't hear anything else I swear"

" you can't tell anyone OK"

" why" I was confused

" well, you know Cameron, right"

Of course she had a crush on him. I knew this, but it's still kind of heartbreaking

" oh yeah, I think I have a class with him or maybe that was last year"

" well, we kind of broke up like last week"

" oh, I didn't know you guys were dating"

So she doesn't have a crush on him. I have to talk to Sophie later.

" yeah we were for like two months we kinda just broke up"

" and you already have a crush Geez, Bianna."

Bianna POV

" and you already have a crush geez, Bianna"

Yeah and it's you dumb dumb

" you can't be want to talk you've been crushing over some girl since level three and you haven't told any of us who she is"

" well, that's because you're all kind of friends with her and that would be really bad if you guys told her she obviously likes somebody"

" OK can you at least tell that's what she looks like"

" she's really pretty"

" and"

" nope that's all I'm giving you guys"

Oh my God, I hate him right now. Why can't he just tell me I need to know so I can know what kind of things you like no you can't like that he likes you. He likes you and he doesn't he he didn't like you in my head she would be like oh don't give up he'll come around sometime , but Sophie is so oblivious she just needs to start dating already. They're in love like you're so annoying but I'm getting off track I need to deal with this stupid crush and crushing him for a while before he even started dating Cameron I only dated him so I could get over it but it still hasn't helped so I don't know what to do at this point

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