(part eight ) no fizt no

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Keefe POV

It's been 30 seconds since Sophie went to the door so maybe I should check on her
Maybe see who it is

But as I got close to the door, I realize she wasn't there, and I heard yelling outside

I opened it up to see Fitz


What the hell is he doing here?

He doesn't deserve to be out here after he yelled at Sophie like that

But then

He does the unimaginable

He slapped her

He does not get to touch Sophie

Let alone hurt her

" get your hands off of her" I say, in the most intimidating voice possible

he looks over at me and freezes Sophie takes this as an opportunity to run to my side away from him

She's running away from him

She's running away from Fitz

She's running away from my best friend

I hold her waist tightly and cup her cheek

" I didn't realize you needed Keefe to protect you"

" she doesn't, but she know I won't hurt her"

" What can you not handle me on your own Sophie?" he says walking over.

But then

He drops to the floor, clutching his head

I look over horrified, Sophie

" oh my God, what did I just do?"

she looks at me, terrified as I hold her tighter

" nothing it's OK you're trying to protect yourself from him" I say, kissing the top of her head

She flinches

" Foster what's wrong you never flinch at me" I say sad, releasing my grip on her a little bit

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to he kinda kissed me"

" oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize"

" you don't have to say sorry"

I should've thought about why you were yelling at him, but are you OK? You still kind of shaking"

"I-I br-bro-broke th-the laws of inflicting" she has clutching me this time

" it's OK I doubt they'll have cameras and Fitz wouldn't report you"

" I don't know Keefe he's not himself"

" what do you mean?"

" he would never kiss me that alone hurt me. I don't know what's up with him, but something wrong with him I don't know." she says, crying into my chest." we should bring him to Elwin

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