(part 13) what year is it?

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Sophie POV

"Wait, so are you really well you know" Lihn said with a worried face

"yea...I mean it's kind of funny that we're pregnant at the same time. Next thing we know you and Marella are  gonna be pregnant" I joked

" well about that.."

" wait, you're not actually pregnant right?" Bi clarified." Two  hormonal besties and stuff is bad enough I don't think we need two more"

" we were going to tell you eventually, but me and Marella kind of have a secret"

" what is it? I mean today is kind of the day for spilling secrets"

" I don't know if you're gonna know what this is Bianna, but me and Marella are ummm" she said, fiddling with her thumbs

" wait really I totally ship it I didn't know you were, but I totally knew Marella was"

" would somebody like to explain what's going on here" Bianna said, crossing her arms

" oh, they're lesbian" I said, like that's nothing

" hush, lower your voice" Lihn says

" wait, what's that?"

" and how come Bianna doesn't know do you guys not have couples like that"

" like what? Oh, wait, are you? Oh, I'm really sorry."

" why are you sorry can you guys not do that?"

" no, not really you know like stigmatism for bad matches is really bad? Well, it's even worse for LGBTQ people I didn't even know what I was until I saw it on TV. I never had a boyfriend. I never ever had a crush on a boy I always really girls and thought they were really cool and like fantasized about that stuff but I knew I could never because one I would be an  automatically bad match and to a lot of people won't even marry us. Matchmaking system doesn't really like gay couples cause we can't have kids and they just think it's weird so me and mare have a really hard time dating even though we have been dating like longer than you and Keefe"

" I had no idea I'm so sorry I don't understand all the stupid stigmatisms you guys have"

" humans have a lot of homophobia"

" homophobia?" bianna asks.

" yeah it's when people don't like gay people I don't understand why it's a phobia. It's irrational and stupid. Just let people love who they love."

" but no, there has to be some stupid matchmaking system, which automatically makes us a bad match which means I can't be part of the nobility not like me and mare could ever be together without it being a bad match because of the whole Pyrokinetic thing, but just makes it worse for us, you know"

" I want you to know that we fully support you and Marella and I promise that I will keep it a secret but you should tell Tam"

" I know I just don't know how he's gonna react I mean I've been hiding a secret for him for 10 months that's never happened before"

" well we're already in the forbidden cities so let's just enjoy ourselves both me and Bianna will speak English so will pretend you can't talk and I saw a poster for a fair so we could go there after we finish shopping" I suggest

" sounds great"

After a bit of talking and having to explain what countries were to Lihn and how everyone speaks a different language and stuff I look around and I realize that this isn't just a different place. We're in a different time too.

" why is everyone here dressed up so fancy?" Bianna asked "I thought you said humans don't do that stuff"

" they don't I think we're in a different time "

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