•Even death can't separate us✓

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Note: Kind of sad ending? Not for me tho~

No cheating and skinship with others!!
Taekook will be together!!


A boy lay on his bed, a mere shell of himself, his disheveled hair framing his face, tear stains dried on his cheeks, and dried blood staining his hands. He appeared frail, not just in appearance but in spirt.

His life had been fraught with hardships from the very beginning, marred by tragedy when his mother passed away during his birth. This event created a chasm between him and his father, who struggled with the loss, blaming the innocent boy for his wife's death.

Despite enduring relentless abuse, he remained silent, his voice stifled by his own weakness. High school proved to be another battleground, as his supposed best friend betrayed his trust by exposing his secret, leading to relentless bullying for being gay.

His body bore the scars of his suffering, both old and new, his skin marked by wounds inflicted by both his father's hands and the cruelty of his peers. Yet, amidst the pain and anguish, there was a radiant beauty that seemed untouched by the darkness surrounding him.

Jungkook, as he was named, possessed an ethereal beauty that stirred jealousy in those around him. Despite his delicate appearance, he harbored a tender heart, easily wounded by the harshness of the world. He endured the abuse inflicted upon him, silently shouldering the burden out of a misguided sense of duty and love for his father.

But after 17 years of darkness, a glimmer of light entered his life in the form of an angel, his boyfriend, who brought warmth and love into his world. With gentle words and tender care, he coaxed Jungkook out of the shadows, helping him to see that he deserved love and happiness.

As Jungkook's boyfriend sat beside him on the bed, sadness reflected in his eyes, it was clear that their love was a beacon of hope in the midst of despair, offering Jungkook a chance to truly live, rather than merely survive.

"Did you again try to hurt yourself, kookie?" Taehyung, his boyfriend, asked, gently cupping his face.

"You didn't come last night," Kookie said with a sad pout. "I was always with you, Kookie," Taehyung reassured him.

"Did your father do anything last night?" Tae inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"No, he didn't come home. It's been almost a month... I don't know why," Kookie replied innocently.

"I'm glad, but then why is my bun hurting himself?" Taehyung asked, tenderly taking Kookie's injured hand and caressing it.

"I felt like killing myself, I was feeling so lonely and depressed," Kookie confessed in a low voice.

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