Chapter Eight: No more Hanging Around

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Immediately after the last chapter.....

Roz pulled on the conservatory door, but it held fast. At first, she was tempted to hammer on the door until she could get a servant to let her in. But now she knew Elspeth had a spy in their midst. There was only one way back to her suite, and that was to climb in through one of her windows.

This was not something new for Roz, as she had often climbed the Wisteria outside her suite when meeting with a groom or palace worker that she had taken a liking to. These dalliances never lasted long, but provided a fun distraction from the boredom of palace life. Quietly she jogged around the sandy path, her bedrobe billowing in the breeze. On reaching the Wisteria, Roz removed her slippers, placing each one in the deep pockets of her bedrobe and began her ascent.

Her window was two storeys up and she climbed the Wisteria with ease. But just as Roz reached her window ledge, the bough she was standing on cracked and split. Roz let out a brief scream but managed to grab hold of the lintel to prevent herself from falling to the ground. Roz found herself dangling from the ledge. Her feet felt around for something solid as she struggled to steady herself. At that moment, the window directly below her opened.

"Your Grace?" Cassien's silvery voice called out in the darkness. "Whatever are you doing?"

"Trying to get back into my suite, but I have met with a slight hitch," replied Roz, sarcastically.

"Would you like me to assist you?"

"That would be most helpful, Cassien."

"Very well. If you let go, I will catch you."

"Let go? If you drop me, you will be in big trouble!"

"I will not drop you," Cassien calmly replied.

Roz sighed. Roz's arms grew tired, and she had no choice but to trust him. It was all over very quickly. The moment Roz let go, Cassien caught her nimbly and brought her into his room. It was a typical palace guestroom for those who were not of any great importance. Small, but comfortable with simple but high quality furniture.

Roz caught her breath and dusted herself down. "You cannot tell anyone of this!" she urged.

"Thank you is normally the customary response for saving someone's life," said Cassien.

"I was not in mortal peril! But thank you," replied Roz.

Cassien smiled and offered her a seat. "So, what were you doing out there?"

"I told you, I was trying to return to my suite."

"I gathered that much," replied Cassien. He sat on his bed and chuckled. "Visiting someone, were we?"

Roz placed her slippers back on her feet, unsure if she should tell him the truth. But she had heard that Elves had a reputation for honesty. "Not exactly." They both sat in an awkward silence. Roz slowly got to her feet. "I should return to my suite. It will be morning soon and the maids will wonder where I am."

Cassien also rose to open the door for her. "If I can be of service, Your Grace." He looked concerned, as if he could tell something was wrong. Perhaps it was an elf thing. They did have all sorts of powers. Maybe he was reading her mind. Roz did not wish to appear vulnerable. But she also knew she could not tackle her problems alone. She needed an ally and if you could not trust an Elf, who could you trust?

Roz sat back down again, her head in her hands. "Can I trust you, Cassien?"

"I would hope so. What troubles you?" He returned to the bed and listened thoughtfully as Roz explained what had happened in the maze. Afterwards, he sat in ponderous silence before replying. "I hope I do not speak out of turn, Your Grace. But I think you should consider leaving the palace for a while. Make an excuse to go on a journey and leave someone you trust in charge while you are away. It will give you time to consider your options. The longer you remain here with the current situation, the more perilous your position may become."

"I am not even sure who I can trust. And what of Saffron? If I leave, they will put her on the throne. She is just a child, and she should not get caught up in this. The only way out of this mess is for me to find a husband and quickly."

"Perhaps a royal visit to Lavar might suit your purposes? You would be out of the reach of your enemies and close enough to return quickly to Metica should the need arise. Your sister should also leave the realm. At least until your return."

"You are right, Cassien. If I were to leave on such a diplomatic mission, it would not arouse suspicion. But what of Saffron? As true-born princesses, we have lived all our lives in the palace. Even our school is on the palace grounds."

"Where do your other sisters go?"

"They go away to a boarding school in the neighbouring kingdom of Unarlion. It is a bit rough from what I hear, but....." Her words drained away as the penny dropped. "I could not possibly send Saffron there!"

"Why not?"

"She is a sweet and innocent girl. Saffron would never survive in a boarding school."

"Have you asked her?"

"Of course not."

Cassien gave her one of those encouraging smiles that a parent gives when there is something you should be doing but are reluctant to. It made her feel a little uncomfortable. "Very well. I will speak with her tomorrow."

Cassien glanced at the window with its half-open beige drapes. The sky was already turning pink. "I believe it is morning already."

"During breakfast then."

"And what of you, Your Grace?"

Roz rolled her eyes. "I will have to call an emergency council to inform them of my plans. But whatever happens, I ask for your discretion in this matter."

Cassien smiled and nodded. "I am at your service, Your Grace, for however long you have need of me."

Roz thanked him and got to her feet again. "I should be getting along before I am missed. No need to show me out." And slipped out of the room. Roz heard the palace clock strike four as she neared the main staircase. The first servants would soon be rising to light the fires and deliver the washing bowls. She would not have cared if they had come across her in the past. Now, after what had transpired, Roz could not help but imagine every move she made was being watched and scrutinised.

Carefully, she tip-toed up to the stairs to the second floor, avoiding all the squeaky floorboards. A beige runner still covered it. It led to the landing where the royal family suites were situated. Here, the former queen's decorating influence was still present. Roz breathed a sigh of relief once she reached the beige double doors of her suite and drew her key out of the top pocket of her bedrobe. Once inside, Roz half slid down her door, relieved that she had made it back unseen. 

(W/C 1177)

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