Chapter Nine: Saffron

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Roz sank into the fine linen on her bed, breathing in their fresh floral scents. Cocooning herself in her eiderdown it was not long before she was deep in sleep. 

Several hours later.........

Suddenly, a bright light penetrated the dark oblivion. Roz blinked slowly, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. "Good morning, Your Grace. It is a fine day again today." chirped the housemaid, who had opened the dark red drapes and was now opening the window.

Roz groaned a good morning and asked what the time was. "It is ten of the clock, Ma'am." replied the housemaid.

Roz sat bolt upright. "Saffron. I am late!"

Grumbling under her breath, she stretched across her bed and pulled the bell cord, which looked more like an embroidered red sash hanging down from the ceiling. The housemaid finished her duties, and with a cheery farewell, left Roz's bedchamber. Still wearing her bedrobe from the night before, Roz pulled herself reluctantly from the bed. It was large and luxurious, made of mahogany, with a variety of carvings expertly covered with gold leaf. The rest of the bedchamber had matching furniture with a dark red deep pile carpet that Roz's toes almost disappeared into.

The lower part of the walls were also in mahogany with red and gold flock wallpaper. The bedchamber had a womb like ambience that sometimes left Roz feeling stifled. She went over to the nightstand and refreshed herself before opening the brown double doors opposite her bed. This led to a large dressing room of similar decor and style. Each built-in wardrobe and cupboard contained the various parts of her wardrobe, and a full-length adjustable mirror allowed Roz to see her daily outfits in their entirety.

Standing beside the mirror were the housemaid and the wardrobe mistress. After Roz put on a clean undershift. The servants assisted her in putting on her riding boots and comfortably laced her into her corset. They then helped her into her riding habit. Which was a light blouse and a long dark skirt with a matching waistcoat and jacket.

As the servants dressed her hair into a loose bun, Roz asked after her sister. "Princess Saffron is waiting in your Solar Ma'am. After you missed breakfast, she came to see you," replied the Wardrobe mistress. A pang of guilt hit Roz. It was the first time she had ever missed breakfast with her sister. It was a tradition they had carried over from their father's time. Though they had both seen less of him in the months leading up to his death, he had never failed to meet them for breakfast unless he was unwell. Roz was determined to make it up to Saffron and asked the housemaid to send a message to the Master of Stables to ensure their horses would be ready within the hour. Saffron always loved riding.

Once she was ready, Roz picked up her top hat, riding gloves and a whip. She burst into her solar full of apologies. The room had a similar style of decoration to her bed and dressing chambers. Except the wooden panels were oak and gold dominated the flock on the walls. Oak was used to make the furnishings, with the drapes and soft furnishings in a dark yellow color.

Saffron sat on the Chez lounge, drinking tea from the crockery laid out on the table with a few pastries. Her unblinking dark eyes bored into Roz and she half smiled. "Good morning Rosamund. I missed you at breakfast." Her soft voice left Roz unsure if Saffron was angry with her or not. But there was certainly something different about her that morning. To begin with, she was not dressed for riding.

Saffron's raven hair was half up, as was fashionable for girls her age, and she was still wearing mourning clothes. A black dress with a pretty white lace collar which reached just below her knees. With black shoes and stockings to match. Roz came and sat beside her, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You know that the official mourning period is over now, Saffy. There is no need to ....."

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