Chapter 18

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"Hey, where's Bangs Boy?" Keefe smiled as he made his way over to the table where Linh, Marella, Dex and Biana sat.
Linh cleared her throat and Marella wrapped her arm around Linh, allowing Linh to rest her head on her shoulder.

"Uh, where's Sophie?" Dex asked, looking at Keefe and giving Linh a little time to get herself together.
Keefe sat down next to Marella, across from Dex.
"Detention. Where's Fitzroy?" Keefe asked, glancing between Biana and Dex.
"Healing Center." Biana and Dex answered at the same time.
"Mmh, cool." Keefe nodded.

"So...your brother?" Keefe looked to Linh.
Linh gulped and she sighed.
"Uhm... with the Neverseen." Linh nodded, managing a smile at Keefe.
"Since he was the spy."
Keefe frowned.
"Oh." Keefe tilted his head at Linh.
"Oh... Uhm... Shit. I'm-I'm sorry-?"
"Don't. Yeah, don't apologise. No one knew. Not even I knew until Sophie mentioned there was a spy and I realised how often Tam was out." Linh said, shaking her head.

"Oh, also... swing by later on at Solreef. I need... I need to talk to you about something."
Keefe blinked.
"To me?" Keefe tilted his head.
"Yeah, just for a few minutes, I won't take up much of your time." Linh nodded.
Keefe hummed.
"Uh, yeah. I can come as soon as school is over. I can come after you after your last lesson and we can just go straight away." Keefe smiled.
Linh smiled back.

"Let's talk about something else! Like, Keefe and Sophie's relationship~!"
"Oh my god, Bianaa..."
"Come on, spill! It'll make Linh feel a lot better~!"
"... Only if Dex talks about what is going on between him and Fitz!"
"What-? No way-!"


"Uhm... Tam left without having the chance to pack anything." Linh said as she opened the door to Tam's bedroom.
"And... well, there's something here that I think you should have."
Keefe followed behind Linh into Tam's old bedroom.
"Oh? His diary perhaps-?" Keefe began.

Keefe stopped as he stepped into the room and he looked about. It didn't seem to have much in it, just a couple of things.
"Hah, have a look around and if you can find one, you can keep it." Linh said, smiling at Keefe.
Keefe smiled at Linh.

Linh went over to Tam's bed and she lifted up the big eckodon plush.
"Uhm... since you two won this when you guys went to the arcade, I thought you should have this." Linh said, placing the eckodon plush towards Keefe.
Keefe gasped as he took Sir Erebus.
"Oh my god, Sir Erebus! Tammy has abandoned you!" Keefe frowned at the eckodon plush.
Keefe held the plush close to his chest.

"Thanks... I'll make sure he feels at home with me and Mrs Stinkbottom." Keefe managed to smile at Linh.
Linh smiled at Keefe.
"Yeah, of course." Linh nodded.
"Uhm... Tam... he really did love Sir Erebus. Maybe because he also liked you, but... he was always cuddling him."
Keefe blinked at Linh.
"... Mmh." Keefe hummed.

"I need to head home. Thanks for this, again."
"Yeah, uh... have a nice day, Keefe. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, bye."

Like that, Keefe grabbed his crystal to the Shores of Solace and he light-leapt away with the eckodon plush in hand.

Linh sighed to herself as she looked around Tam's room. She should probably look through some of his stuff, organise it.


Word count: 574

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