Chapter 10

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"Tamm! Dex is here with the elixir!!" Linh called to her brother as she knocked on Tam's bedroom door.
"Okayy! Let him in then!" Tam called back as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

Tam heard two voices from outside his room, probably Linh and Dex, before someone walked away and the door opened. Tam smiled awkwardly at Dex, who had a bag in his hand, and held his hand up for a moment as a greeting.

"Hey." Tam said.
"Hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything." Dex smiled at Tam as he entered the bedroom and shut the door behind him.
"Of course not. I'm just... chilling." Tam shrugged, fiddling with his hands.

Dex hummed as he made his way over and sat down next to Tam. Dex handed the bag to Tam and Tam took it.
"I made a couple of batches." Dex said.
"Take one each day until your shoulder gets better."
Tam opened the bag and looked in, there was at least 7 little vials of elixirs and Tam hummed.
"Thanks, Dex. This... this was nice of you." Tam smiled at Dex.
"Oh, of course." Dex smiled back at Tam.

"I...I also kind of wanted to talk to you."
Tam set aside the bag of elixirs onto the ground and he looked at Dex.
"About what?" Tam asked, tilting his head at Dex.
"Well, about... Keefe." Dex said, rubbing his neck with his hand nervously.

Tam blinked at Dex.
"What about Keefe?" Tam managed to smile at Dex.
"Well, everyone kind of noticed the way you reacted to Keefe asking Sophie out, how you got... jealous." Dex said.

"I didn't get jealous." Tam stated.
"Tam, I didn't need to be an Empath to know that you felt jealous and bitter towards Sophie." Dex raised his eyebrows at Tam.
Tam raised his eyebrows at Dex.
"Telling me that you know my feelings better than I do?" Tam questioned.
"Well, I'm just saying-" Dex began.

Dex's gaze rested to a large eckodon plush on Tam's bed.
"... Fitz mentioned that Biana said you went to the arcade with Keefe a few days ago." Dex said.
"Did he win that for you?"
Tam furrowed his eyebrows before he looked to where Dex was looking. Tam's cheeks burned red as he realized Dex was referring to Sir Erebus.

"W-Well, he may have but-" Tam began, reaching for the plush.
"We had a competition, he won all my tickets along with his own tickets and I really wanted it and he just got it for me so..."
Tam fiddled with the plush which was now on his lap.
"Mmh, winning a plush for you at an arcade does seem quite romantic." Dex smiled softly at Tam.
"I get why you're jealous. But, you gotta remember Keefe likes to flirt a little with everyone."

"Has Keefe flirted with you?" Tam raised his eyebrows.
"That boy makes everyone flustered at least once." Dex stated.
"And... he has made me flustered before."
Dex looked away, clearly embarrassed about admitting this.
Tam couldn't help but smile.

"Pfft, seriously? I thought you had a thing for Fitz-" Tam began.
"I do!" Dex exclaimed, looking at Tam.
Dex then slapped his hand over his mouth.
"Ah! I mean-"
Dex's face turned really red.
"I- I don't have a thing for Keefe, Keefe is just charismatic and well, handsome, I mean... Fitz is definitely way more handsome-- I should shut up."

Tam laughed and he cuddled closer with Sir Erebus.
"It's sort of obvious, you and Fitz." Tam said.
"Or well, your feelings for him. Do you know if he likes you back?"
Dex cleared his throat.
"Well, I'm not sure if he's even into boys." Dex shrugged, rubbing his neck.

Dex stopped himself before he scowled at Tam.
"Hey! We were talking about you and Keefe!" Dex exclaimed.
"There's nothing going on there, and nothing will ever happen because he's with Sophie. Well, he's going to be with Sophie." Tam said.
"But you and Fitz could happen."

Dex couldn't hold back a smile when Tam said that.
"Ugh, I hate how giddy I get when I think about that possibility." Dex sighed out, laying on his back on Tam's bed.
Tam smiled as he shuffled back on his bed, crossing his legs and facing Dex.
Dex looked at Tam.

"Sorry that you don't have a shot with Keefe. But maybe one day they'll break up and you can shoot your shot." Dex said, trying to be a good friend.
Tam waved his hand in dismissal.
"It's whatever." Tam sighed, holding Sir Erebus closer to his chest.
"This guy will keep me company."
Dex laughed.

"Does he have a name?" Dex asked.
"Oh, Keefe named him as soon as he won him." Tam stated.
"Sir Erebus. Ridiculous, but... I kinda like it."
Dex reached his hand over and he fiddled with one of the eckodon plush's fins.
"Cute." Dex grinned.
Tam smiled as he watched Dex fiddle with Sir Erebus's fins.

"I don't know how I feel about Keefe." Tam confessed, looking at Dex.
"I mean... there's something there. I just... can't figure out what it is, if it is love or not."
Dex looked at Tam.
"Love? That's a strong emotion." Dex smiled softly.
"But I guess I get how you feel. I think I was a little confused when I first began to realize my feelings for Fitz."

"Mmh? Really?" Tam tilted his head at Dex.
Dex nodded.
"Spending more time together, it definitely grows and you do realize that it is some sort of romantic attraction." Dex said.
"And... then when you finally figure it out, you don't know how the other will feel, or you're too late."
Dex met Tam's gaze. Tam sighed.

"They're going on a date. Maybe it won't work out." Tam shrugged.
"That's true." Dex nodded.
"But, they've been flirting for weeks. It's likely they'll get together after their date."

Tam didn't like hearing that. He knew that Keefe was faking all of this but... Dex didn't know that. Plus, Tam was actually sort of believing that what Keefe and Sophie had was genuine. Seemed like Keefe was a good actor.

"I don't want to sound rude or-" Dex began.
"No, it's okay." Tam managed a smile at Dex.
"I already know all of this. You're just... confirming everything."
Dex frowned slightly.

"Look, Tam... if you ever want to talk, just know that I'm available whenever." Dex said, sitting up and resting his hand on Tam's shoulder.
Tam stayed silent for a few moments.
"... Unless if you're like making out with Fitz, right-?" Tam grinned at Dex.
"Y'know what? I take that back, screw you, Song." Dex grinned at Tam as he gently shoved Tam's shoulder before taking his hand away.
"Pfft, haha!" Tam couldn't help but laugh.

Dex smiled at Tam.
"Seriously though, hail me whenever, Tam. I'm happy to talk about boy troubles with you." Dex said.
"What if I want to talk about something else?" Tam questioned.
"I'm happy to talk about anything you want to talk about, Tam." Dex stated.
Tam couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Seems like Tam was progressing well with his assignment.


Word count: 1207

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