Chapter nine

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(Literally been 4 entire years since I updated but what the hell.... enjoy and happy Saturday)

"Oh yeah? Where would you go?" He asked with a laugh, that you were just some joke to him. This all was a stupid joke to him. Well, it wasn't funny anymore, and you're not sure why you ever laughed in the first place.

"Out. Away from here. Far. i can go far and you'll never see me again. You or toby." You said, feeling a hot tension in your chest.

"Oh yeah? Which way is out then? Hm? Which direction in the forest do you have to go to get out? Huh? West or east? North or south?"

You locked eyes with him, you weren't scared of him anymore.
For the first time, in a long time, you weren't scared.

"I don't know" you admitted "but ill find my way out"

"Yeah, I'm sure you will..." he laughed again. "Come on, I brought you some new dvds... have you ever seen Shrek? Its not a tv show its movie, but i think you'll like it. Its pretty funny-"

"I don't want to watch tv. Im tired of tv" you said, growing angrier and angrier. "Im tired of this, i want to leave"

"You don't want to leave..." he sighed. "You're just feeling abandoned and probably hormonal... come on, ill watch it with you"

"No!" You shouted "Im sick of this!"

You stood up harshly, knocking over your plate of cold dried out eggs. Your stomach was huge now, bigger than you've ever seen it. It reminded you of all those pictures in your biology books. I think for the first time, you actually saw how big you were and that in itself made you feel powerful.

"Sick of what huh? You don't do anything all day! You know what the real world is like? Do you even remember?" He stood up, starting to get angry with you. "Oh so you want to get up every morning for a shitty job that doesn't pay you well, where your boss yells at you, just to come home broke and exhausted?! You think thats fun? You think thats a good life?"

"I want to leave" you said again, more assertive this time. "I want to be normal"

"Oh normal huh?" He laughed out again, a bitter and dry laugh. "When was the last time you were ever normal?"

"I had a life!" You shouted. "I was going to graduate high school! I had good grades! I was going to go to college!"

You started shaking again, this time in anger.

"You people stole that from me! You took me from my home, you kept me here and when toby got bored he abandoned me, alone and pregnant in this shitty house, in this shitty forest and forced to live with you shitty people!" You screamed at him like it was his fault that you were here.

"Oh so im a shitty person now huh? You know just the person who brings you food, gets you new dvds so you don't have to watch the same shitty episodes over and over again! Oh such a shitty person who comes in and checks on you to make sure you're still alive!" He yelled at you, balling up his fists.

You laughed at his insanity. Really? You were a hostage!

"But you know what y/n? Im finally glad you snapped out of it. " he shook his head "whatever you're not leaving"

"Why do you care? Aren't you only here to 'make sure I'm alive'?" You asked in a mocking tone.

"I care because i was assigned a job, and unlike your stupid boyfriend I'm actually a competent worker"

"Fuck you Tim!" You screamed "I'm fucking leaving"

You push the reminder of your food at him, and went to storm off into your room to collect your meager amount of possessions you still had.

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