Chapter five

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He was your one and only.. and you would do anything for him...

Toby was ecstatic when you told him. You swore, he literally jumped for joy. He yelled and hugged you tightly, not knowing his own strength sometimes, due to the condition.

You smiled... feeling all his happiness manifest in you. When he was happy, you were happy. His happiness was one of of your key concerns... and you would do anything and everything for it.

Toby looked at you... really looked at you. Staring at you with his big beautiful eyes... with so much love and passion.

"You are so beautiful yn... s-so... s-so amazing..."

Oh toby...
I would do it again too...

Toby was finally going to have what he wanted... he was going to be what he wanted.

Both of you... young.. dumb and full of love.


You stood cooking eggs. Cracking the delicate shells on the lightly oiled pan.

Since the news, you've been eating a lot more. At least... two meals a day. One and a half if you felt sick.

It wasnt a easy transition. You threw up a lot at first... and feeling full really slowed you down.. and drained your energy. You also noticed you becoming a little less boney.

Sudden food on a starved body does strange things.. and dealing with them... wasnt fun. Some days, it was hard looking in the mirror... since you felt so odd and... heavy.

You started sleeping a lot too... especially after you ate. A full meal of creal and milk with toast would put you right to sleep afterwards.

After a few months, you adjusted... and you could manage to stay more alert. You also manged to eat more... and you started carving specific things which you manged to learn how to cook.

In the months... you felt better... more independent in a way. You didnt rely on toby for food... you could spend the hours by yourself easier... and you managed to finally, relax.

Maybe it was the fact that now toby couldn't leave you. He was with you forever... and it gave you reassurance.

You tented to your eggs, getting a plate ready to put them on. You placed toast in the toaster and turned it on.

You were a breakfast person
Who knew?

You plated up your eggs, and buttered your toast, deciding to get more food. You poured yourself some cereal, setting everything on the table, getting ready to eat.

You were alone again, which was quite alright. It didn't bother you like it use too... and you filled the emptiness... talking to the only other person in the room.

"I hope you like the eggs... i added pepper to them..." you mumbled slightly... rubbing your stomach. It was a natural instinct to talk to them, you knew they could hear you... and you knew they liked it.

You started eating, feeling the flavor of the eggs dance over your tounge. Ever since you started eating.. you felt.. clearer. Like you could think and behave more rationally. Still, your hormones would still sometimes get the best of you, as they did everybody... and you acted rather emotionally.

It never seemed to bother toby, toby was just happy, didnt matter what came with that happiness aslong as it was there. You just required a lot more attention, and affection... feeling emotionally drained with out it.

You remembered what masky said though, so you tried to reason in tobys work schedule. You figured 8 hours of sleep he got between working was enough time to spend with him. Until they baby came... and he could move on from his job to... well... you weren't really sure.

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