Chapter six

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( hey so i wrote this on the plane and edited it on the train. Enjoy.)

"Hey!" There was a loud shout, then even louder pounding on your already pretty beat up front door.

The noise shook you violently from your sleep.. and you choked, waking up harshly, almost out of breath.

Your adrenaline was up... and you looked around wide eyed... before registering what was actually going on...

"Hey!" The door shook more violently, as it rocked on its hidges. "Hey! You still alive in there?! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

The pounding continued and you started to shake.. as you starting going back into the person who you use to be...

It wasn't long, but you slowly and surely connected the dots.. realizing it was tim, shouting at you through the door.

Nothing to be scared of...
Well that is until he breaks the door.

You shook the sleep from your body, and rubbed it from your eyes, as you jumped off the couch... running to the front door.

Toby was still gone... and he had been for like a week or so... so maybe.. tim was here to bring him back.. or maybe tell you about him.. anyway... tim was a good sign...


You unlocked, and opened the door.. to reveal an disinterested Tim, holding a huge paper bag of what you assumed to be groceries.

"Ah im glad you didn't kill yourself or something, that would have been hard to tell slender, anyway..." he pushed passed you, letting himself in, walking towards the kitchen.

You followed... confused.. but happy to see another person non the less.

He set the bag down on the kitchen table.. taking some things out to show you, as you stood next to him, watching.

"So, i got you some things... some soups.. some pasta.. some Cheetos and other fatty garbage that i wouldn't personally eat but you know..." he placed the cans and stuff down, looking over at you. "Hey! Why are you standing so close, back up would ya? Personal space come on.."

You admitted you were a little close.. but you were lonely.. and he was the first person you'd seen in a week that wasn't on some sort of screen.

You didn't move... you didn't care if he yelled at you. You missed human interaction.
Yelling was better than nothing.. and you weren't scared anymore... you were lonely...

Although, he wasn't toby.. and he didn't make you feel better in the slightest, but he was another living, breathing person.. so.. he would have to do.

You just started at him... blankly.. not moving.. and he sighed and went back to the bag.

"And lets see.. i have cookies.. and some more canned food.. i hope you like tuna... and i got some toliet paper.. and some soap.. and some-"

"Where's toby..?" You asked cutting him off.. feeling anxiety build up inside you. Your heart started to race.. as you felt your palms sweat and your skin tighten...

"Huh..? Working i guess. Why?"

"Hes been gone for a long time.." you felt so alone.. and so fragile.. after working so hard to feel strong again.

"Yeah? Thats why im here, looking after you. Hes fine."

"When will he be back?"

"I dont know, a while? Why?"

"I miss him."

"Im sure you do.. anyway.. lets see.. um.. oh yeah i got you some bread.. and some peanut butter.. that should last you a while.. all this stuff should last you about two weeks if you eat three meals a day.. which by looking at you, i dont think you do.. so maybe even longer, but i should be back in two weeks to check up on you.. you got running water, so i didn't get you any drinks, but if you want something write it down and ill pick it up ne-"

Lonely ( Ticci toby  x reader) Where stories live. Discover now