Chapter three

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Lonely part three

"Toby get up!" A familar voice shouted awaking you up. You jumped up, gasping in the process. The blankets covering you fell, letting the cold air hug you. You felt goose bumps form before realizing nothing was covering you. Much to your suprise you were naked. " ah! What the fuck?! Gross.... fucking gross... toby! what the actual fuck?!" Masky yelled kicking the bed.

You felt tears form as you desperately tried to cover your shame. You looked down, not wanting to see masky.

" toby get the fuck up!" He kicked the bed post agian. "Dont make me touch your gross ass!"

" toby..." you whispered to him.
" toby please get up." You shook him slightly and he sprang right up.

" ah!" Toby gasped making you jump. " oh hey masky whats up?"

" you've been gone from work for three days! you stopped answering your phone! Slenders pissed..."

" yeah but thats his issue im on vacation.."

" vacation?!"

" yeah im using my vacation days."

" vacation days?! What?! Toby, you dont get vacation days!"

" oh well too bad cause im taking them."

" no! You cant just do that toby! You have work to do"

" so do you! So go be annoying some where else!"

" you cant keep missing work toby... slenders gonna come down here himself."

" so..? Slender understands... its vacation time.."

" sleeping with your fucked up hostage and sitting at home all day doing nothing isn't a reason why you should be missing work!"

" shes not a hostage Tim she could leave anytime she wanted isnt that right y/n..?"

You blinked. What? What just happened? Why were they asking you questions? What was going on? why did they involve you?

" of course shes gonna say yes to you toby! you fried her fucking brains!"

" i wanna stay! Dont make me leave.."

" well theres your answer right there Tim... now leave."

" alright but if you're not in for work tomorrow slender says you're fired. You know what that means..."

" slender wont fire me..." toby growled at masky. "he likes me a fuck of a lot more then he likes you Tim... now get the fuck out of my house before i fucking gut you.."

Toby and Tim stared each other down for a while before Tim stormed out.

" god fucking damn it..." toby grumbled squeezing his fists. " fucking asswipe... god i hate Tim! Hes such a tumor..." he growled and pounded his lap.

" is fine.. its fine im over it..." he groweled to himself slightly. " god... maybe we just relocate... i hate them..."

You hugged toby... wanting to calm him down with your comfort.. he looked down and smiled at you

" you really want to stay..?"

" of course..." you mumbled slightly. " i love you..."

He leaned down and kissed you. You kissed back and smiled into the kiss. You loved toby... you loved toby so much. You loved him so much more then you ever loved anyone ever. He was the only person you needed, as long as you had him, you would be happy.

He layed down slightly, not breaking the kiss, and you scooted over, wrapping your arms around his neck. He moved slightly, covering you,  breaking the kiss, so he can kiss your cheek, leaving to trail on kisses go down to your neck.

Lonely ( Ticci toby  x reader) Where stories live. Discover now