Chapter four

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( as a wise person once stated "i regret nothing.")

Lonely part four

Its been hard really really hard.

You laid with toby, and shifted slightly. You knew you had to tell him, its what he wanted anyway..

Your period stopped two months ago, its normal for it to go in and out, thanks to your low body weight, but, last week you started throwing up.

It started in the morning. After a few hours of peaceful sleep, you felt a deep sickening feeling, and when you sat up, you felt it comming. The burning in your throat and the tighness in your stomach. You hopped out of bed, and threw up the can of soda you drank a couple hours earlier.

You heaved and felt the burning liquid run up and down your throat. You heaved again, not throwing up, there wasn't enough food in your system too and thats when you realized what was going on.

You might not known much about sex or pregnancy but you remembered knowing that vomiting was one of the signs. You thought back to the video you watched in health class, and tried to remember the other signs.

Well that was normal.

Morning sickness
Well, yeah but its only happaned a couple times so far

Mood swings
Well yeah but you were sensitive anyway..


You felt a pain in your stomach and it growled loudly.

Oh shit! Thats right! Food!

Your stomach growled again and you doubled over in hunger pain. You got up, and threw up again. Your stomach growled, and the need for food was greater then caring about the mess you made. You wiped your mouth, and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a box of year old cherrios, dumping them all in a large bowl.

You knew for a fact you didn't have milk. You people didn't eat how can you be trusted with such a parshiable??

You ate the cereal anyway. Using a spoon to eat the dry bits of stale food, it crunching and scraping against your gums.

It tasted so freaking good... better than anything you've ever eaten.

You ate more and more, refilling your bowl two more times, eating way pass the point of feeling full.

You ate the entire box, still needing more and more food.

Your stomach gurrgled and you panted slightly... man.. was food great..
It gurgled some more, and you felt a burning sensation deep down inside. Spit formed in your mouth, and before you know it, you threw up all the cereal.

" y/n...? Are you alright..?" Tobys sweet voice rang through. You nodded and wiped off your mouth, desperately trying to keep your composure. You were... eh. It wasn't the worst but it wasn't the best. "Whats wrong?"

He crouched down to you, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"I feel sick..."

"Sick like?"

"Sick like-" you were cut off by more vomit. It fell all over your knees and lap, and some got a little on toby. He didn't flinch, he stayed firmly grasping your shoulders for support. "Oh god.."

You panted and sniffled.. wiping your mouth on your arm. Trying to stop the vomiting. You shook slightly and continued to heave and pant.

" i need more food..." you mumbled out.

"Food? Really?"

"Yeah... im starving..." you panted... now getting up feeling surprisingly ok again.

Lonely ( Ticci toby  x reader) Where stories live. Discover now