◉ Chapter 1 ◉

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Yibo rested against his school desk, his slender fingers tracing characters onto his notebook as the teacher droned on in the background. A sudden jolt of irritation shot through him when he felt a piece of chalk whizz past his ear.

"Yibo, how many times must I remind you to cease these silliness during class? Pay attention so that you may actually learn something, instead of perpetually engaging in pranks and disrupting others," the teacher's voice rang out sternly. Yibo rose from his seat, offering a quiet apology, but the moment the teacher turned away, he couldn't resist sticking his tongue out and contorting his face into a series of comical expressions, eliciting giggles and chuckles from his classmates.

Wang Yibo, a twelve-year-old with a zest for everything but academics, cherished games, doodling, and dancing above all. He was the indulged youngest son in the Wang family, with parents, Wang Xiao Nai and Wang Wei Wei, who doted on him endlessly. His mischievous antics and penchant for pranks were often overlooked, easily forgiven with a mere glance of his puppy-dog eyes. Even his older brother, Wang Zhuocheng, engaged in daily battles and teasing, yet harbored a deep affection for his little brother that he never dared express openly.

Fast forward to the present, as the school day drew to a close, Yibo sauntered down the familiar street toward home, idly kicking a stray stone along the way. Upon reaching the familiar threshold, he noticed an extra pair of shoes nestled beside his brother's at the entryway, a telltale sign of his brother's return from the hostel.

With an exuberant disregard for caution, Yibo flung his schoolbag onto the nearby couch and dashed up the stairs, the echoes of his mother's worried admonition about running indoors fading behind him. Bursting into his brother's room, he was met with an unexpected sight, a strikingly handsome young man, with eyes as gentle as an angel's, lounging on the couch near his brother's bed. Yibo stood transfixed in the doorway, his mouth agape, as the young man offered him a warm smile, revealing a set of endearingly crooked bunny teeth.

"Ge?.." Yibo's soft voice broke the quiet of the room as the young man rose gracefully from the couch. He ruffled Yibo's soft hair, bending down to match the height of the little kid. "Your gege is taking a bath right now. I'm Xiao Zhan, nice to meet you," Zhan introduced himself with a gentle smile, extending his long, veiny hand. Yibo's slender, soft hand met his as they shook hands, the little kid blushing furiously at their interaction.

However, Yibo's expression quickly shifted to annoyance as he felt a sudden flick on his forehead, accompanied by a familiar voice. "How about greeting me too, you little brat?" Zhuocheng's grin was met with a frown from Yibo, who swiftly retaliated with a punch to Zhuocheng's chest. Zhuocheng fell to the floor in pain, and Yibo, wearing an innocent smile, looked down at him. Zhan, still standing in the corner, couldn't contain his laughter as he watched the sibling war unfold before him.

"Did you just hit me? Let me call mom right now-" Zhuocheng began, but Yibo cut him off by jumping on top of his fallen body, covering his mouth with a mischievous grin.

"I missed you sooooo much, ge," Yibo sarcastically whined as he hugged his brother tightly, almost crushing his body. The room filled with laughter as the long-awaited reunion turned into a playful, sibling-filled moment.

"Yeah yeah ofc you did now get off you're as heavy as a pig" Zhuocheng spoke all irritated as yibo bit his arms making him yell before he stood up.

Just as Zhuocheng and Zhan settled in for their study session, Yibo found himself drawn to the calm and patient way Zhan explained concepts to his brother. He listened intently, his blocks forgotten.

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the scene, a sense of ease settling over the trio. Yibo's initial shyness gave way to a sense of comfort, his heart feeling at peace in Zhan's presence.

As the visit came to a close, Zhan ruffled Yibo's hair, his touch gentle. "It was nice meeting you, Yibo. Take care, didi."

Yibo's eyes sparkled, a small smile playing on his lips. "Bye, Zhan ge..."

And with that, a gentle beginning unfolded, the seeds of a special bond sown between Yibo and Zhan.

I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of this new Zhanyi story xD
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Tysm for reading <3

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