◉ Chapter 6 ◉

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Yibo stirred from his slumber, his phone piercing the quiet morning with its insistent ringtone. Despite having already indulged in breakfast, a persistent sense of drowsiness hung over him, coaxing him back to the comfort of his bed. However, his peaceful respite was short-lived as his phone chimed once more. With a groggy voice, he answered, "Hello?"

"Hello, Yibo, it's me, Li Xiun," came the cheerful voice on the other end. "I'm celebrating my birthday today at Cafe XX-XXX, just around the corner from my place. Be sure to join us! Bye!" And with that, the call ended abruptly, leaving Yibo to ponder the sudden invitation as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Yibo reluctantly rose from bed, knowing he couldn't skip his friend's birthday celebration. Quickly dressing, he headed downstairs where he found Mrs. Wang slicing fruit. He let her know he was off to the party and accepted some money for a gift. Stepping out the door, he braced himself for the day ahead.

As Yibo stepped inside the café, it buzzed with the chatter of Yibo's friends, their laughter echoing against the walls adorned with vintage posters. It was a typical Saturday afternoon, but for Yibo, stepping into the café felt like entering a realm where time slowed down, and every moment held the possibility of encountering the person who occupied his thoughts—Zhan.

As he weaved through the tables, Yibo's gaze inevitably found its way to the counter, where Zhan stood, his movements fluid and confident as he expertly brewed coffee. Yibo couldn't help but admire the grace with which Zhan maneuvered behind the counter, his focus unwavering as he attended to each order with precision.

Attempting to push aside the flutter of emotions in his chest, Yibo forced himself to engage in small talk with his friends. But even as he laughed at their jokes and joined in their conversations, his mind remained fixated on Zhan, the unspoken longing weighing heavily on his heart.

As the afternoon wore on and the birthday celebration reached its peak, Yibo found himself stealing glances at Zhan whenever he could. He watched as Zhan interacted with customers, his smile genuine and his demeanor warm and inviting. It was moments like these that made Yibo's heart ache with a longing he could not suppress.

Finally, as the party began to wind down and the café emptied out, Yibo seized the opportunity to approach Zhan at the counter. "Hey Zhan ge," he greeted, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Zhan looked up from his task, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Hey, Yibo! What brings you here?"

Yibo swallowed hard, trying to conceal the swirl of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "I was invited to my friends birthday party," he explained, his words coming out in a rush. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Zhan chuckled, setting aside the coffee cup he was cleaning. "Yeah, I work here part-time. It's a nice change of pace from school."

Yibo nodded, his gaze lingering on Zhan's face, memorizing every detail as if committing it to memory. "That's cool. How do you like it?"

"It's not bad," Zhan replied with a shrug. "But it can get busy sometimes."

Their conversation was interrupted by a customer, and Yibo took the opportunity to order a drink, prolonging their interaction for as long as he could. With each passing moment, he found himself drawn to Zhan's presence, savoring the fleeting moments they shared.

But as the café began to empty out and the reality of their situation set in, Yibo couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he had to leave now.

As he bid farewell to Zhan and made his way home, Yibo couldn't shake the ache in his heart. He replayed their conversation in his mind, searching for any sign that Zhan might feel the same way. But deep down, he knew it was impossible, his feelings destined to remain buried beneath the weight of unspoken words.


As Yibo stepped through the door, he was met with a warm greeting from Zhoucheng, who held out a plate bearing Yibo's favorite dessert, a delectable strawberry shortcake. Yibo's eyes widened in delight, a smile spreading across his face as he hurried inside, eager to indulge in the sweet treat. Settling at the dinner table, the two siblings sat across each other.

Amidst bites of the scrumptious dessert, Zhoucheng turned to Yibo, his expression thoughtful. "Yibo," he began, his gaze gentle yet serious, "I wanted to let you know that I'll be leaving tomorrow morning with Zhan for our hostel."

Upon hearing Zhoucheng's announcement, Yibo's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze shifting upwards to meet his brother's. With a nod of acknowledgment, he silently absorbed the news. He had deeply missed Zhoucheng's presence during his absence, cherishing the precious moments they had shared over the past few months. Yet, another thought weighed on his mind as Zhoucheng mentioned Zhan's departure.

Yibo found himself drawn to Zhan in a way he couldn't quite explain – his presence, his voice, his smile all seemed to awaken a flutter of emotions within him, like the blossoming of flowers in spring. Despite this, he knew that his feelings for Zhan would forever remain unrequited, a realization that brought both pain and a sense of acceptance.

As he savored the last bites of his cake, Zhoucheng's affectionate gesture of ruffling his hair brought a sense of comfort, a silent reassurance amidst the bittersweet moment.

Midst the mundane rhythm of dishwashing, Zhuocheng's senses were abruptly awakened by the gentle embrace of familiar arms around his waist. Instantly recognizing the touch as Yibo's, he couldn't help but exhale a soft sigh of both affection and melancholy, his lips curling into a tender smile known only to himself. In a gesture of silent reassurance, Zhuocheng tenderly patted Yibo's slender arms, intuitively sensing the unspoken loneliness that had taken root in his brother's heart since his first departure for university.

Memories flooded Zhuocheng's mind, reminders of the countless hours they had once spent together, their inseparable bonding moments in simpler times. But the passage of time had ushered in change, casting a shadow over their once unbreakable bond. Though Zhuocheng's devotion to his brother remained unwavering, buried beneath layers of stoicism was a deep-seated love that would defy even the most formidable of challenges.

Yet, despite the depth of his emotions, Zhuocheng hesitated to lay bare his vulnerability, shielding his sentiments behind a facade of unwavering strength. For within the recesses of his heart, he harbored a truth he dared not voice—that he, too, would feel the sting of Yibo's absence acutely.

Yibo clung to his brother, enveloped in a silent embrace, tears tracing a path down his cheeks. In the shadow of their impending parting, he grappled with the undeniable truth: the absence of his beloved brother would leave a deep void in his heart.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading the chapter :) Don't forget to vote and comment down below!
Tysm for reading <3

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