◉ Chapter 7 ◉

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As the moon cast its gentle glow through the window, Zhoucheng quietly pushed open the door to Yibo's room. The soft creak of the door seemed to disturb the peaceful silence of the room, but Yibo remained sound asleep at his desk, his head resting on his arms.

Zhoucheng's eyes fell upon the scattered papers strewn across the desk, illuminated by the dim light of the desk lamp. Among them, he noticed a neatly written essay titled "The Person I Admire the Most." Curiosity piqued, he approached the desk and began to read:

The Person I Admire the Most

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, there exists a beacon of unwavering strength and kindness – my brother's best friend and my new friend, Zhan ge. From the moment we met, he has been a constant source of inspiration and guidance in my life.

One of the qualities that I admire most about Zhan ge is his unwavering dedication to his studies. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, he has always remained steadfast in his pursuit of knowledge. His determination to excel in every task he undertakes serves as a constant reminder to me of the importance of perseverance and hard work.

Beyond his academic achievements, Zhan ge possesses a calm and soothing presence that has a profound impact on those around him. In times of turmoil and distress, his reassuring words and comforting demeanor never fail to provide solace and strength. He is a pillar of support for me and for so many others, offering guidance and encouragement without hesitation.

Furthermore, Zhan ge's selflessness knows no bounds. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, without expecting anything in return. Whether it's assisting with schoolwork or simply offering a listening ear, he does so with genuine kindness and compassion.

In essence, Zhan ge embodies the qualities of a true friend and role model. His unwavering determination, calming presence, and selfless nature make him someone I deeply admire and aspire to emulate. I am grateful to have him in my life, and I know that with him by my side, I can overcome any challenge that comes my way.


As Zhoucheng finished reading the heartfelt words written by Yibo, a warm feeling washed over him. He never expected such praise from his brother to his best friend, it filled him with a sense of pride and gratitude towards Zhan for having such impact on his little brother. Quietly, he folded the paper and placed it back on the desk, careful not to disturb Yibo's peaceful slumber.

With a newfound appreciation for the bond they both shared, Zhoucheng silently exited the room, leaving Yibo to continue his peaceful rest. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel joyful for the remarkable friendship that had blossomed between them.


As the first rays of dawn gently kissed his face, Zhan stirred from his slumber, blinking away the remnants of sleep as he let out a tired yawn. With a stretch, he rose from his bed, the promise of a new day beckoning him forward. With brisk steps, he made his way to the bathroom, eager to freshen up and prepare for the day ahead.

The warm cascade of water from the shower washed away any lingering drowsiness, invigorating him for the tasks ahead. Stepping out, he wrapped himself in a towel, his mind already turning to the next steps of his morning routine.

In the kitchen, the comforting aroma of brewing coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of freshly toasted bread. With practiced ease, Zhan prepared his morning meal, the ritual a familiar dance of motions that brought a sense of calm to the bustling start of his day.

As he savored his breakfast, thoughts turned to the journey ahead. Today marked the day, one that would see him departing for the hostel with his best friend Zhoucheng. With a sense of anticipation, he moved about the room, gathering his belongings and carefully packing his bags, each item chosen with care.

As Zhan's mind wandered to thoughts of his best friend, Zhoucheng, a fleeting memory of someone else surfaced— Yibo. He paused for a moment, contemplating whether Zhoucheng had informed Yibo of their departure today. A pang of guilt tugged at him as he realized he had neglected to mention their plans to Yibo during his visit to the café yesterday. Caught up in the rush of serving other customers, the conversation about their departure had slipped his mind entirely. As he reflected on this oversight, a sense of regret washed over him, prompting him to make a mental note to bring something for Yibo.

Zhan found immense fulfillment in the past few months, immersing himself in the dual roles of mentor and companion to Yibo. The depth of their connection surpassed his initial expectations, as he never foresaw such a profound bond forming with his best friend's sibling during their time together. Memories of Zhoucheng's frequent mentions of Yibo during their university days flooded Zhan's mind, each anecdote painting a vivid picture of the spirited, somewhat rebellious child Yibo once was. Zhan couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as Zhoucheng regaled him with tales of Yibo's mischievous antics.

Intrigued by the little kid named Yibo, Zhan's curiosity surged, compelling him to eagerly anticipate his meeting with Yibo upon their return home. As they finally met, their bond flourished effortlessly, blossoming into a rich tapestry of shared experiences and mutual understanding over time. Zhan found himself pleasantly surprised, never once feeling burdened by the responsibility of guiding Yibo through his academic pursuits. With Yibo's attentive ear and Zhan's patient guidance, their collaborative efforts bore fruit, fostering a dynamic bond built on trust and support.

Whether immersed in playing video games, building Lego structures, or simply enjoying each other's company in serene silence, Zhan cherished every moment spent with Yibo. Together, they forged unforgettable memories, their bond strengthened by shared laughter, and mischief, including the occasional playful teasing and annoying Zhoucheng together.

Zhan couldn't help but acknowledge the twinge of sadness that accompanied the thought of parting ways with Yibo and leaving behind their cherished moments. However, amidst the melancholy, he found solace in the knowledge that he had played a meaningful role in Yibo's life, sharing in his joys and passions. Reflecting on their bond, Zhan realized that he had found a sense of genuine comfort and authenticity in Yibo's presence, a sentiment reciprocated by Yibo himself.

Their easy rapport and mutual understanding served as a testament to the depth of their connection, affirming Zhan's gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of Yibo's world. 

As Zhan's consciousness was pulled back from its wanderings by the insistent ring of his phone, he swiftly answered, his voice tinged with readiness, "Hello?"

"It's me, Zhan. Are you still planning to come over to my place? We'll head to the airport together from here, so make sure you don't leave anything important behind," Zhoucheng's voice came through the receiver with a tone of reminder.

Zhan responded with a confirming hum before ending the call, swiftly gathering his belongings as he prepared to depart. As he ventured out, thoughts turned to the impending visit and what gift he should bring for Yibo. A whimsical glance fell upon a plushie store, its colorful display catching his eye. Among the array of soft creatures, a cub plushie captured his attention, evoking a fond image of Yibo in his mind. With a soft smile, Zhan ventured into the store, intent on purchasing the endearing token.

Tysm for reading!! Don't forget to vote and comment.
Have a great day/night <33

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