◉ Chapter 5 ◉

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Zhan's spacious apartment buzzed with excitement as he welcomed his best friend's little brother, Yibo, for the first time in his place and for a much-anticipated sleepover. It had been ages since Zhan had a chance to hang out with anyone else other than with his friends. As Yibo stepped inside, his eyes widened at the sight of the colorful array of Lego sets spread out on the living room table.

"Whoa, Zhan ge! You've got so many Legos!" Yibo exclaimed, a mix of awe and admiration in his voice.

Zhan chuckled, ruffling Yibo's hair affectionately. "I've been collecting them since I was a kid. I told ya it's kind of my thing."

The two dove into their Lego creations, Zhan meticulously following the instructions, while Yibo let his imagination run wild, creating structures that seemed to defy logic. As they built, Yibo couldn't help stealing glances at Zhan, his heart fluttering with each smile and laugh.

Hours passed in a blur of laughter and Lego bricks, until the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the apartment. With their Lego masterpieces proudly displayed, Zhan suggested they move on to the next activity of the night: movie marathon.

"I've got all the classics lined up," Zhan said, gesturing towards the shelf filled with DVDs.

Yibo nodded eagerly, his cheeks flushing with excitement. "I can't wait!"

They settled onto the couch, surrounded by blankets and pillows, the soft glow of the TV illuminating the room. As the opening credits of their first movie rolled, Yibo couldn't shake the nervous fluttering in his stomach.

Throughout the night, they watched a variety of films, sharing stories and secrets between laughs and popcorn fights. But amidst the chaos, Yibo found himself stealing glances at Zhan whenever he thought he wasn't looking, admiring the way the flickering light of the TV danced across his features.

As the night wore on, exhaustion began to creep in, and Yibo found himself struggling to keep his eyes open. Zhan noticed his little friend's drooping eyelids and stifled a yawn of his own.

"I think it's time we hit the bed," Zhan said, gently nudging Yibo.

Yibo nodded, already feeling the pull of sleep tugging at his consciousness. They gathered up the blankets and pillows, preparing to settle in for the night.

As they lay side by side on the makeshift bed they had created on the living room floor, Yibo couldn't shake the feeling of longing that washed over him. He wished he could stay in this moment forever, with Zhan by his side, sharing laughs and secrets like this.

With a heavy heart, Yibo closed his eyes, letting sleep carry him away to a world filled with Legos, laughter, and the bittersweet ache of unrequited love.

Throughout the night, as Yibo drifted in and out of sleep, he found himself waking up to small moments that made his heart race. Like when Zhan's hand accidentally brushed against his as they reached for the blankets, sending shivers down his spine. Or the way Zhan's laughter seemed to fill the room and drown out all other noise, making Yibo's heart swell with affection.

But amidst these fleeting moments of bliss, there was a nagging voice in the back of Yibo's mind, reminding him that Zhan could never see him as anything more than his best friend's little brother. It was a reality Yibo had grown accustomed to, but one that never failed to sting.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Yibo felt a sense of sadness wash over him. The night had been magical, filled with laughter and joy, but it also served as a painful reminder of what could never be.

With a heavy sigh, Yibo forced himself to push aside his feelings and focus on the present moment. He turned to look at Zhan, who was still asleep beside him, his face relaxed and peaceful in the soft morning light.

In that moment, Yibo made a silent promise to himself. He would cherish this friendship for all it was worth, and he would continue to treasure these precious moments they shared together, even if it meant hiding his true feelings from the world.

With that thought in mind, Yibo closed his eyes and let himself drift back to sleep, holding onto the memory of this night with all his heart.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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