◉ Chapter 4 ◉

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In the serene ambiance of the Wang household, each day unfolded with a comforting rhythm. While the aroma of Mrs. Wang's culinary delights wafted through the air, Zhuocheng dedicated himself to assignments within the confines of his room. Meanwhile, Zhan, with his gentle guidance, accompanied Yibo in completing his homework.

"So you have to write an essay this time, huh?" Zhan looked through the topic Yibo had to write about. With a sparkle in his eye, Yibo eagerly embraced Zhan's assistance, surprising his family with newfound enthusiasm for learning. Their hearts brimmed with gratitude towards Zhan, whose humble demeanor belied the profound impact he had on Yibo's educational journey. Zhuocheng, too, observed a transformation in Yibo's demeanor, noting a marked improvement in his conduct and academic performance. With heartfelt appreciation, he acknowledged Zhan's positive influence on his younger brother, dispelling any remnants of his erstwhile mischievousness.

The family expressed deep gratitude towards Zhan for his invaluable assistance, although he modestly declined to view it as a favor. He simply cherished Yibo's company and found joy in helping him, dismissing any notion of inconvenience. Zhuocheng keenly observed the positive transformation in Yibo's demeanor, noting a significant reduction in his mischievous antics. He made a point to express his heartfelt appreciation for Zhan's positive impact on his younger brother, recognizing the profound influence of his presence. The family found solace in the diminishing frequency of Yibo's school-related issues, a testament to the positive changes instilled by Zhan's guidance.

"The person you admire the most," Zhan mused aloud, scanning the essay topic before him. After a brief pause, he gently set the paper down. "Hmm, you see, Yibo, this time I'm afraid I can't offer much assistance," he admitted.

Yibo's eyes widened in surprise, and he swiftly interjected before Zhan could elaborate, "What!? Why not, Zhan ge?" he protested, giving Zhan's arm an eager shake. Zhan chuckled warmly at Yibo's reaction, his expression filled with affection and understanding.

"I can certainly assist you in refining your writing approach," Zhan offered with a reassuring smile, "but this time, you'll need to delve deep and choose someone whom you truly admire. It's a journey of self-discovery, and I believe it's important for you to undertake it on your own. Best of luck, bodi!" With a playful wink, Zhan rose from his chair, leaving Yibo to ponder his choice as he made his way to Zhuocheng's room to check on what he's upto.

Yibo's lips tightened into a determined line before a sudden spark of inspiration illuminated his face. With newfound resolve, he promptly set pen to paper, embarking on the task of crafting his essay.

A few minutes later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Zhan approached Yibo's door with a gentle knock. Receiving no response, he decided to enter, his steps cautious as he crossed the threshold. His eyes immediately fell upon Yibo, peacefully asleep at his study table. A soft sigh escaped Zhan's lips, accompanied by a tender smile that graced his features.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a few stray strands of hair that had fallen across Yibo's closed eyes. With careful reverence, Zhan reached out and delicately removed them, his touch light and reverent. Yet, in the midst of this quiet act, Yibo stirred in his slumber, his hand instinctively reaching out to grasp Zhan's own. Startled but undeterred, Zhan found himself unable to suppress a gentle chuckle as he beheld the endearing sight of the young boy, lost in dreams.


As Zhan prepared to depart after their lunch, he sensed Yibo's gaze lingering on him. Meeting the younger man's eyes, Zhan inquired softly, "Is something on your mind, Bodi?"

Yibo's gaze faltered, his fingers twisting nervously as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. "Um... Can I... can I come with you, Zhan ge?" he ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he awaited Zhan's response.

Zhan reached out, affectionately tousling Yibo's hair as he pondered the request. "I'm just heading out to grab some groceries, Yibo. But if you'd like, you're more than welcome to spend the night at my place. We could play with Legos and video games," he offered warmly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Yibo's eyes lit up at the invitation, excitement bubbling within him, until suddenly Zhuocheng made his entrance.

"What's happening here?" Zhuocheng inquired curiously, his brow furrowing slightly at the unexpected scene.

Yibo turned to Zhan, employing his best puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading for Zhan's assistance. Zhan met Yibo's gaze with a reassuring nod, understanding the unspoken request. "Yibo just wanted to spend some time with me, so I suggested that he could come over for a sleepover at my place," Zhan explained on Yibo's behalf. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he's well taken care of."

Yibo sought Zhuocheng's approval, his eyes scanning his older brother's face for any sign of acceptance. With a resigned sigh, Zhuocheng relented, albeit with a condition. "Fine, but make sure he gets to bed at a decent hour. I'll inform Mom and Dad," he instructed, his tone tinged with a mix of concern and obligation.

Upon Zhoucheng's request, their parents swiftly granted permission for Yibo to spend the night at Zhan's place, swayed by the younger brother's earnest pleas. Yibo's jubilant reaction was immediate; he jumped around the room in happiness, enveloping his parents in tight hugs before darting towards the doorway where Zhan stood waiting.

With a gentle grasp, Zhan took Yibo's hand in his own, their connection solidifying as they walked out in the evening together.

As they arrived at the grocery store, Zhan diligently gathered the vegetables and other essential ingredients necessary for their evening meal. However, amidst the bustling aisles, his attention was drawn to Yibo, who stood entranced by the vibrant display of an ice cream stall. A warm smile graced Zhan's lips as he made his way over, and without hesitation, he purchased an ice cream treat for Yibo. With the sweet reward in hand, they continued their journey back to Zhan's place, anticipation lingering in the air for the culinary delights that awaited them.

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Tysm for reading <3

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