◉ Chapter 3 ◉

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On a bright and sunny afternoon, Yibo sat at his study table, completely engrossed in his homework. He let out a sigh of frustration, glancing at his notes, feeling utterly clueless about everything. It was then that he sensed a presence behind him. Zhan leaned over the table, coming close to his neck.

"Are you having trouble understanding this, Bodi?" Zhan's voice was gentle as he brushed a few strands of Yibo's hair away from his honey brown eyes. Yibo, lips parted slightly, could feel his cheeks and neck flushing with a deep blush as Zhan's fingers lightly brushed against his skin. Zhan then pulled up a chair beside him and sat down.

"U-uh, um, yes. I'm kinda stuck on this question," Yibo nervously replied, his heart beating a bit faster at the proximity.

"Do you want me to call your Ge to help you? Or should I help you instead?" Zhan offered, his tone warm and inviting.

"No! Don't call Ge... he just annoys me and calls me stupid instead of helping me," Yibo pouted, refusing the idea of being taught by his less-than-helpful brother.

Zhan chuckled warmly. "Fine then. Let me help you." With that, Zhan began to patiently teach Yibo, explaining the basics and clearing all his doubts. Zhan had a patient persona, never judging Yibo when he made a mistake or got stuck on a problem. He genuinely enjoyed helping the younger one learn. Occasionally, Yibo would find himself zoning off, staring at Zhan's face as he explained things with his calm, soothing voice.

After they finished, Zhan rewarded Yibo with candies he had bought earlier. Grateful, Yibo eagerly thanked him before leaping off his desk, racing downstairs to celebrate completing his homework. Zhan trailed after him, a wide grin painting his lips.

Entering the living room, Zhuocheng observed Yibo and Zhan engrossed in building Lego creations. "What do we have here? Weren't you supposed to be doing homework, Yibo?" Zhuocheng inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, Zhan ge helped me finish it already, so we're playing now," Yibo retorted cheekily, sticking out his tongue playfully. He glanced at Zhan, who nodded in confirmation.

"Hmph, whatever. Zhan, it's time for our video game session, so go play in your room, Yibo," Zhuocheng declared, grabbing Zhan's arm and tugging him away, though Zhan's defeated smile remained as he glanced back at Yibo. Yibo responded with a puppy-eyed look before Zhan was pulled inside.

As everyone gathered for lunch downstairs, Zhan noticed Yibo pouting while nibbling on his food.
Their father, Mr. Wang, proposed that Zhan assist Yibo with his studies, noting that Yibo seemed resistant to listening to anyone else. Zhan readily agreed, the warmth evident in his agreement, as they carried on the conversation with Yibo still sulking.


As the days passed, Yibo found himself looking forward to his study sessions with Zhan more and more. Their afternoons together became a cherished routine filled with laughter, learning, and unexpected moments of closeness. Zhan would help yibo with his studies and then later hang out with Zhuocheng together or play with Yibo. Zhan's daily life seemed something he looked forward too now after meeting Yibo.

One afternoon, as they were poring over a particularly challenging math problem, Yibo couldn't help but notice how focused Zhan looked, his brows furrowed in concentration. Sensing Yibo's gaze, Zhan glanced up and caught his eye, and they shared a brief but meaningful smile before diving back into their work.

During a break from studying, Zhan suggested to take a stroll in the garden. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground as they walked side by side, chatting about anything and everything. Yibo found himself opening up to Zhan in ways he never had before, sharing his hopes, dreams, and even his fears. Though he had friends at his school but Zhan was someone whom he realised he felt comfortable with

One evening, as they were studying in Yibo's room, a sudden power outage plunged them into darkness. Zhuocheng was out for groceries and Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang were out of town to visit their grandparents.

Yibo suddenly let out a startled yelp, but Zhan was quick to reassure him, his voice calm and steady in the darkness. "Shh.. its fine Bodi I'm here" Zhan comforted the little kid who seemed to be panicking. Yibo's hand instinctively reached out, seeking Zhan's in the darkness, and when their fingers intertwined, a warm, comforting feeling washed over him.

As they sat in the darkness, waiting for the power to come back on, Yibo found himself leaning against Zhan's shoulder, their closeness bringing a sense of peace and contentment that he hadn't felt in a long time. Zhan didn't push him away as he continued patting the latter's back in order to calm him down. And when the lights finally flickered back to life, Yibo felt a pang of disappointment at the loss of that intimate moment.

But even as they resumed their studies, Yibo couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between them, something deeper and more profound than mere friendship. And as he stole glances at Zhan's profile, bathed in the soft glow of the desk lamp, Yibo couldn't help but wonder if perhaps there was more to their relationship than meets the eye. He knew Zhan was alot older than him but some part of him wished this pleasant friendship would turn into something more special.

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Tysm for reading <3

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