◉ Chapter 2 ◉

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Days melted into weeks, each marked by Zhan's regular visits that became the anchor of Yibo's existence. The mere sound of the doorbell, announcing Zhan's arrival, sent Yibo's heart into a joyous frenzy. Their moments together were brief yet brimming with a warmth that Yibo held close, like a fragile, precious thing.

One afternoon, amidst the rustling of books and papers as Zhoucheng and Zhan delved into their studies, Yibo summoned the courage to take a leap. With eyes cast downwards, he approached Zhan, his voice a timid whisper, "Zhan ge, can I show you something?"

Zhan's smile, ever warm and inviting, emboldened Yibo. "Of course, didi! I'd love to see."

Yibo led Zhan to his room, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. As he opened a drawer, revealing a collection of colorful rocks gathered from their nearby park, he couldn't help but feel vulnerable. "I found these... on my adventures," he managed to say.

Zhan's eyes lit up with genuine interest as he examined the rocks, fingers tracing the intricate patterns. "Yibo, these are amazing! You have a keen eye for treasure."

Pride swelled within Yibo, momentarily erasing his usual shyness. "Really? You think so?"

Zhan nodded, his gaze meeting Yibo's with a shared spark of enthusiasm. "Absolutely! I used to collect rocks too, when I was your age. It's a wonderful hobby."

Their shared passion for rocks became a bridge, connecting them deeper than mere acquaintances. They spent the next hour lost in discussions about geology, Yibo hanging onto every word Zhan spoke, his mind a sponge eager for knowledge.

As the sun cast a warm, golden hue into the room, Zhan glanced at his watch, breaking the spell. "I should get going, Yibo. But thank you for showing me your treasures. I had a wonderful time!"

Reluctance washed over Yibo, not wanting the moment to end. "Okay... bye, Zhan ge."

Zhan ruffled Yibo's hair gently, a gesture of affection. "Take care, Yibo. I'll see you soon!"

As the door closed behind Zhan, Yibo was left with a bittersweet mix of emotions. A sense of loss at Zhan's departure, yet a newfound joy at the connection they shared.

Days turned into weeks, and Yibo's fascination with rocks only deepened. He spent countless hours exploring the park, searching for new additions to his collection. And whenever Zhan visited, they would lose themselves in passionate conversations about geology, their connection growing stronger with each exchange.

Zhoucheng, observant as ever, couldn't help but notice the change in his brother. "Yibo, it seems you really enjoy Zhan's company, huh?"

Yibo's cheeks flushed, unable to hide his feelings. "Yeah.. he's nice.."

Zhoucheng smiled knowingly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I'm glad. Zhan's a great guy."

As the weeks turned into months, Yibo found himself eagerly anticipating Zhan's visits, his heart dancing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing him. And Zhan, unaware of the depth of Yibo's feelings, continued to shower him with kindness and patience, unknowingly nurturing a bond that was blossoming into something beautiful.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Lets aim for 30 votes for this chapter :D
Tysm for reading <3

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