Kate's past.

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Four years ago, Kate and her friends went out for a normal dinner as usually they did every Friday night. Adam's, Kate's boyfriend, and Miranda, who should have been her best friend, should also have been at this dinner, but strangely they weren't present that night.
Adam and Miranda tell to Kate that they weren't well and both tell her that they had fever, so both didn't came with them that night. Kate was a bit worry for her boyfriend, but she went out with her friends anyway.
Kate and Adam had been living together for two years and had been together for three years, they should have married, but Kate's life was so cruel to her. At the age of 26 years old , Kate discovered something that will make her lose her menthal sanity, and she'll have a very hard time recovering.

Inside of the restaurant:

Sandy: "Mmmmh, this food is very delicious, I will order another serving! Their so good! Excuse me Sir, it's possibile to have another two serving of these, please?" (she asks to the waiter with an hungry face)

Waiter: "Yes miss"

Sandy: "thank you"

Brenda: "you're such a glutton Sandy" (she said while laughing hard)

William: "Brenda's right, stop to eating so much, or you won't fit into that dress you like so much" (he reply while kidding Sandy)

Jonny: "c'mon guys, stop kidding her! Even if you're right!" (he whispers at the end)

Taylor: "Kate, what are thinking about honey? You're seem worry! Something happened?" (she asks in a cockily way)

Kate: "Sorry honey, I have my mind elsewhere" (she reply in a really worry way)

Josh: "c'mon Kate! What are you thinking about?" (he reply while raising his eyebrow)

Kate: "I'm thinking about Adam, he seemsed really sick when I left our own home! And also Miranda doesn't seemsed well when I talked to her on the phone" (she said while sighing)

Betty: "Ohh c'mon girl! It won't be anything serious! They'll recover soon! Don't worry too much, ok?" (she said while trying to reassure her)

Kate: "Mm, maybe you're right, but I'm not calm anyway" (she said while sighing again)

Charlie: "You'll never change, right? Stop worrying too much, he's already an adult ok, so stop worrying and let's enjoy this night, got it?" (she said while pointer her)

Kate: "Fine" (she said while snorting a bit)

Music starts and everyone left their seat to enjoy in the center of the track, one of the boys invite her to dance with her and she went with him. After a few of songs finally they come back to their table for drink something, but something flashed on Kate's mind. She starts to think that her boyfriend would have called her or texted her even if he was sick, and Miranda too. But strangely, this doesn't happen, so Kate starts to worrying than before and she wanted to come back home, but strangely her friends starts to act in a weird way.

While Kate was returning home...

Will: "Kate please wait us" (he said while trying to take some breath)

Josh: "Will is right, you're running not walking" (he also taked some breath)

Stewe: "Ey guys isn't it too early to come back home? Why don't you yall come to my house for a bit? Isn't it a good plan?" (he said trying to improvise a bit)

Kate: "No guys, I just want to back home and check Adam's condition (she reply in a firm tone) Adam, honey, I'm home! Adam, did you feel better now? Adam! Why are not reply me? Are you sleeping?" (she kept to called him, but her boyfriend doesn't seemsed to want to reply to her)

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